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I'm pausing billing for one month and taking some time to reset this page. Without sounding like a broken record, I plainly don't have the time to post as much as I want to while keeping up with my non-digital life. Sometimes you need to step back to ultimately move forward.

I want to use the time to do some QoL improvements:

-Parse through the near 100,000 images I've yet to use to give you more content

-Backfill image sets and finally create a sustainable posting schedule

-Explore a different tier structure and bulk downloads for general convenience

-Refresh the graphics on the page

-Optimize my workflow with new tools I haven't had time to explore

I also just need a little mental break. This is a unique hobby, but staring at this stuff all the time is not the best for the psyche. I have a few things to post over this period as well, so it's worth checking back if you stick around. And while it will cost you nothing to stay a patron, I understand if you want to depart and maybe see how things progress next month.

Thank you so much for your support and I'll have more soon!




Hi Mike, understandable and evolution as a creator is part of the process. It’s all sound constructive. I paid for the next month subscription already. Are you saying there isn’t going to he much content this month? I paused my subscription for next and come back when you’ve done all your updates. I have a film to produce and edit as well.


Hi Mike, without being annoying to you, can you read my direct message 🙏🏽

AI Angels Lab

Yeah not much this month, but it will stay up to collect when you return. Msg me if we need to adjust billing