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as most of you guys know, I can't function in summer. We live in a hot apartment, it's 90F here in Boston USA, AC costs so much and with the noise and my tinitus issues, lack of sleep etc, I melt on the floor in my live stream setup.

Sometimes if it cools down to 75-80F I can stream, at night. But only because The makeup melts off and it's easier to clean 😏

Seriously I have to kinda do all the chores/travel/cooking/store runs/etc, so it runs me down, esp humid days.

So yeah, another yearly reminder that you might see more progress ,parts, etc than me wearing the stuff!



William Ambervein

It has been a constant 112° over here and I walk to and from work. It takes me an hour and a half to cool down before I can do anything


yeah , i can't live in that. I have specific health issues , the main thing here, everyone else can kinda take it, technically if summer didn't end I would be a puddle of bones and veins. Arteries swell so much it is a major issue. I've been dealing with too many people that say "tough it out like me" that I have to remind people I've been found in in the shade, on the street and in my car dying, barely concious. humidity is MAJOR too. getting into a hot car with no airflow is like an oven. open air doesn't burn you like a steering wheel, seat , door, shift, etc. It's a big deal to me, so putting on clothes or makeup to look good while not able to talk and having all these issues is a big ER visit no. I feel people need to understand that it's not just complaining, it's my health luck and bad people that did this. 🙏