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 I know I'll have not a satisfactory answer but oh shit here we go again!

3 months ago (I guess)I had an massive attack of depression and I stopped drawing without any warning and always tried to say something about it but the longer I spent more embarrassment it gave me to rewrite the usual "I regret the delay" or " I'm back"


1. Yes, I am alive.

2. I'll post the drawings I have in my pending list

3.  To the people I owe commissions. I can finish them or if you prefer a refund, please contact me by private message via Patreon, DeviantArt or Discord. WARNING: I can refund via paypal only.

4. You can stop supporting me in patreon if you feel cheated because as I said this is optional and I do not force you to do buuuut I really appreciate you keep supporting after my BIG abscent.

You will see more activity from this week. Thank you so much and I'm so sorry u_u


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