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I had fun making these ^^ I wanted to continue making monster versions for every girl but I ran out of time >.< One day I will finish up the rest though - there are so many cool ones I wanna make! And so many pun names.




It's nice to see you solved the mermaid problem, assuming these are alternate forms and not just costumes. Spectrum on the other hand... Yeah, there's an issue there. Deep perverted thoughts aside, great job!


Our hope is to eventually release them as full / new girls but for the meantime they will just be costumes. Oji Panda needs a lot of time to write their full scripts soooo that's why it's outfits for now :P I'd love to make more / monster forms of every girl, and new characters too!


Wait, are Mermaids even suppose to have pubic hair?


Haha, late to the party again, but don't forget about the kitsune! Esp. if it's a full new character, kitsune are awesome.