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This weekend fucking sucked, whole bunch of personal bullshit happened.

Online harassers? Still badgering my friends? People who I thought I could trust? Lying through their treacherous teeth.

I'm very much looking forward to writing. So why don't I share a few random ideas that have been floating around in my head lately?

Bisexual Amity Blight

I know I know, lesbian erasure blah blah blah representation blah blah blah. Hear me out though, what if someone identifies as a lesbian, and then later in life they realize that's not quite right?

I strive to provide all sorts of representation, I want to capture human experiences both good and horrible. So remember my friends, gender and sexuality can be fluid. It's okay to not be sure. It's okay to not know, and it's okay to change your mind.

Nocedas Nocedas Nocedas

You know what there isn't nearly enough content of? Luz and her Mom, such an interesting and rich relationship that has tons of potential.

They're two sides of the same coin, nerds who took different paths on dealing with a world that was cruel to them.

You know who else doesn't get enough attention? Lucia. A character that started out as a beta design but managed to take on a life of her own. There's so much potential in giving Luz a sibling, and I love exploring that.

That's about it, I can't help but wonder if me mentioning these things has anything to do with stuff I'm working on? 🤔🤔🤔

Guess we'll find out ❤️


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