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GreyTide Studio has give us the shoulder I used for the space wolf. 

When you print it, do it in a couple of version rescaling it 5% and 10% to chech what fit better


GreyTide Studio nos ha dado la hombrera que usé para el lobo espacial. 

Cuando lo imprimas, hazlo en un par de versiones reescalándolo un 5% y un 10% para comprobar cual encaja mejor



Chris Cave

When you say, rescale it… do you mean increase by 5% and 10%? Or decrease the scale by 5-10? Thanks in advance!

Yohan Blondel

It will be very cool to have this type of partnership more obtenez, like a bust stl for you and us with videos or pdf to paint it. I think it will be cool for you, us and the creator. Btw thanks for this 😉