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Hello my friends! here is the last video about the Sentinel where you can find the weathering and the base.

The important here more beyond the products used is the little tips about thin strokes, learn of my mistakes, etc. 

Hope you like it!

Hola amigos! aquí os dejo el ultimo video sobre el Sentinel donde podréis ver el weathering y la base.

Lo imporante aquí mas allá de los productos usados, son los pequeños tips sobre cómo conseguir pinceladas finas, que aprendáis de mis fallos, etc. 

Espero que os guste!



brutal el sentinel¡¡¡ a quedao de lujo. y el detallito de la sangre wapiizimooo jjjajaaj


Amazing again!!! I was curious do you ever use varnish in one of your steps for better preserving the minis for table top usage? I know it affects the finish (matt/gloss) of the model when using it so sometimes i'm not happy with my results when doing it as it makes everything the same matt/gloss level. In this mini I see you at the end have the beautiful result of having multiple finishes (some matt some gloss), I really like that.