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Chapter 8: The Doctor is Bigger Than I Imagined!

"Doctor, Ling Xi is here..."

Upon entering Mobius's lab, Klein saw Mobius still busy studying small animals...

"Oh, you actually managed to bring him here?"

Hearing Klein's words, Mobius appeared somewhat surprised. She quickly put down the instrument in her hand and curiously asked, "Klein, how did you manage that? You actually got Ling Xi to come. I thought you would be crying because you failed... uh, cough, well done, Klein."

Klein: "..."

Klein rolled his eyes at Mobius. So, even the doctor knew the probability of his success was low. Yet, he still had to go...

Of course, the doctor couldn't have known that Ling Xi didn't dislike Mobius and even had a favorable impression of her.

"Hehe, Klein..."

Mobius hugged Klein affectionately.

"Doctor, you should go and meet Ling Xi first. It's rare that you invited him here."

Klein still looked helpless, urging Mobius to go meet Ling Xi. After all, his task was done, and whether the recruitment would be successful depended on Mobius's abilities.

"Yes, you're right, Klein. Let's go..."

Mobius nodded and released Klein, then walked towards the lobby.

Entering the lobby, Mobius spotted Ling Xi sitting on the sofa. She walked over immediately, smiling, "Hello, Ling Xi. Welcome to my laboratory."

"Um, hello, Doctor Mobius. It's an honor to meet you."

Ling Xi quickly stood up, showing respect to the esteemed Mobius.

"Heh, no need to be so formal. Feel free to relax."

Mobius smiled and sat down on the sofa with Klein.

Ling Xi began to observe Mobius. Although he had seen her last night and even experienced her embrace, that was when he didn't know her true identity. Now...

Knowing her identity, Ling Xi felt that something was off...

"What's the matter? Why are you staring at me like that?"

Ling Xi's gaze was quite apparent, and Mobius naturally noticed. She found it amusing and curiously asked, "Hmm... Ling Xi, you seem to be looking at me intently. Did you perhaps do something excessive to me last night?"

"Uh... cough, Doctor, please don't make baseless assumptions. I definitely did not do anything inappropriate."

Ling Xi quickly denied, feeling that he must clarify this. If he were accused of impropriety with such a significant figure, he wouldn't even know how he could manage to survive!

"Then, tell me, why are you staring at my body? Find something that piqued your eyes?"

Mobius smirked mischievously. Of course, she didn't mean to accuse Ling Xi falsely. She was merely having fun and trying to tease him.


Ling Xi scratched his head and said, "I mean... your... age..."

Mobius: "..."

Instantly, Klein sensed the impending doom...

Klein: "..."

Ling Xi, buddy, be careful in your next life...

"Hehe, my age..."

Mobius forced a smile and asked, "Well then, Ling Xi, how old do you think I am?"

"Doctor, I wasn't referring to your age. I meant your appearance. It's a bit different from what I remember."

Realizing he might have misspoken, Ling Xi quickly explained, "In my memory, you should have the appearance of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. That's why I didn't recognize you immediately last night."

"The appearance of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl..."

Mobius wasn't quite sure how to respond to that. Back when she was fifteen or sixteen, she was already a researcher at Fire Moth. Could this guy actually know her?

Deciding not to dwell on this, Mobius decided to change the subject, saying, "Alright, let's not talk about that. Let's get to the main point, like... what happened last night. Thank you for that, and I appreciate your help."

"That's true..."

As Mobius finished speaking, Klein nodded vigorously in agreement. "Handling a drunk doctor isn't easy. You really did a great job last night, Ling Xi."

Mobius: "..."

"Um... it's okay, really. It's natural to help someone in need. Don't worry about it."

Ling Xi quickly downplayed his role. Taking care of intoxicated individuals wasn't new to him, even though dealing with this lady was quite challenging... for two hours.

"Nevertheless, I still want to say thank you."

Klein also chimed in sincerely, "I'll keep a closer eye on the doctor from now on, so that we won't have a situation where the doctor sleeps on the roadside and gets picked up by someone again. Fortunately, we encountered you, or else it could have been dangerous."

"Eh... picked up from the roadside..."

Ling Xi seemed somewhat puzzled. After all, last night was because...

"Cough, cough..."

Mobius quickly coughed and deliberately said, "Alright, alright, let's not talk about last night anymore. It's not like I wanted to drink. But the investors insisted I attend the party, and I had no choice but to go. What could I do?"


Regarding Mobius's explanation, Klein only rubbed his forehead. He didn't argue because, well, who can argue with the whims of the financial backers?

Hearing that Mobius seemed to be intentionally hiding the events of last night, Ling Xi didn't expose her. Maybe there was a reason behind Mobius's behavior.

"By the way, Ling Xi, I'm sorry for troubling you for so long last night. So..."

Mobius took out a bank card and smiled, "Here's a hundred thousand yuan. It may not be much, but we're actually quite poor, so please don't be offended."

"No, you don't have to..."

Ling Xi quickly shook his head and declined, saying, "I already mentioned it. I did what any normal person would do. I'm not seeking any reward. Dr. Mobius, please take it back."

Of course, Ling Xi couldn't accept it. After all, he had helped last night because he couldn't stand by and watch, and also because he had a mission. He hadn't thought of receiving any reward.

Furthermore, building a good relationship with Mobius was far more valuable than any reward.


Seeing Ling Xi's immediate and firm refusal, Mobius couldn't help but hold him in higher regard. Based on her investigation, this guy... Well, let's just say he wasn't exactly swimming in money. He relied mainly on the monthly scholarship from the academy and did some odd jobs to get by. Moreover, the trickier part was that he had quit his most recent job two months ago, right after Ling Xi returned from H City.

Given this, Ling Xi must be quite tight on money right now. As for savings... Mobius had calculated his income and expenses, and at the end of each month, there was hardly anything left. Even if there was something, it definitely wouldn't be more than a four-digit figure.

Yet, despite this situation, Ling Xi still firmly declined any reward.


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