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Chapter 7: A Guest for the Doctor?

"Ling Xi, it seems you hold our doctor in high regard?"

Suppressing the urge to tie Ling Xi up and drag him to the laboratory, Klein inquired about Ling Xi's opinion of Mobius. If Ling Xi indeed held some positive sentiment towards Mobius, and by that, it didn't necessarily mean romantic feelings but simply a sense of respect, then the recruitment might not be so difficult!

"Well... sort of. I do have a certain level of respect for her."

After carefully considering Mobius's story, Ling Xi recalled his first encounter with her in "Elysian Realm."

Upon seeing the "big loli," he had been quite smitten at first glance. Her voice was very melodious and soft, which were attributes that made him linger on some of the dialogues instead of immediately skipping them.

Furthermore, while watching some videos of "Billy Billy," he had come across various scenes involving Mobius.

Although he had forgotten specific details, he had gained a rough understanding of Mobius's story. She was indeed an extraordinary figure, even more impressive than Mei herself.

Mobius had been part of both the Stigmata Project and the Fusion Warrior Project, perhaps even taking a leading role in them.

Before delving into the story of the Predecessors, Ling Xi had believed that Mei was the sole ruler of the Predecessors and the eminent scientist combating the Honkai Crisis. However, he later found out that apart from Mei, Mobius was also a prominent figure. Although she appeared as a big loli, she was undoubtedly a true genius. Apparently, she had played a significant role in both the Stigmata Project and the Fusion Warrior Project.

However, Ling Xi's knowledge about Mobius ended there. Due to work-related reasons, he hadn't had time to patiently explore the story further.

"Is that so... then, what I mentioned earlier, the doctor's invitation, do you have the time for it?"

Receiving a positive response, Klein asked again. Based on Ling Xi's attitude towards Mobius, if he accepted the invitation, then the recruitment process was likely to be successful. As for what would happen afterward... well...

That could be decided later.

"Of course, that's not a problem. I have time right now."

Initially, Ling Xi hadn't wanted to have any interactions with anyone else, especially given that the Honkai was on the brink of erupting. But this was Mobius they were talking about, a prominent figure in "Elysian Realm." How could he refuse her invitation?

Thus, Ling Xi promptly agreed. After all, she was one of his favorite Valkyries before he crossed over... though this Mobius seemed a bit different from the one in the game.


Thousand Feather Academy wasn't far from the Changkong City branch of the Fire Moth organization. They had established a cooperative relationship because Thousand Feather Academy wasn't just a high school; it also had a university department and research division. This collaboration made it convenient for Fire Moth's strategic goals.

Moreover, some Thousand Feather Academy students were already involved in related work or projects at Fire Moth's Changkong City branch. As a result, a small portion of the interns at Fire Moth's branch were from Thousand Feather Academy.

About fifteen minutes later, Ling Xi followed Klein to the Fire Moth base. Contrary to his imagination, the base wasn't located underground or in the sky; it was simply a park-like area. Guards armed with real weapons were patrolling and standing guard at the entrance.


Seeing Klein and Ling Xi approach, a guard immediately raised his hand to stop them, saying, "Hello, Klein. Please present your identification!"

Although the guard recognized Klein, entry still required proper identification. It was protocol, and the guard followed it.

Of course, he would only dare to follow protocol when Mobius wasn't accompanying Klein. If it were Mobius... then...

Cough cough, there's a saying, no one would be foolish enough to impersonate Dr. Mobius...

Subsequently, Klein presented her identification card, which she swiped on the device the guard held. Her identity was immediately confirmed.

"Hello, please proceed..."

The guard was merely following procedure, so now that the identity had been verified, he naturally let them through. He then turned to Ling Xi and said, "Hello, please show your identification..."

"He's a guest of my doctor."

Klein said this quietly...

Guard: "..."

"Please enter!"

The guard promptly allowed them to pass.

Ling Xi: "..."

"Um... thank you!"

Ling Xi expressed his gratitude, somewhat bewildered.

"You're welcome, brother. You've worked hard for the future of humanity..."

The guard nodded respectfully to Ling Xi, his eyes filled with admiration.

Ling Xi: "..."

Klein: "..."

Klein couldn't bear watching this any longer and quickly grabbed Ling Xi, leading him away...

It wasn't until they had walked quite a distance that Klein realized he was still holding Ling Xi's hand. He quickly let go, somewhat apologetically saying, "Sorry, I shouldn't have pulled you along without your consent..."

"No worries, really. Having a cute girl hold my hand voluntarily, I can't complain."

Ling Xi didn't mind at all and used a playful remark to ease Klein's embarrassment. Then he continued, "By the way, your doctor seems to be quite respected!"

Seeing the guard's behavior earlier—how they had let them pass without asking any further questions once Klein claimed he was a guest of their doctor—Ling Xi felt a sense of admiration. Mobius was truly remarkable, a big shot within Fire Moth.

"Well... yes."

Klein rubbed his forehead, considering whether he should reveal the truth to Ling Xi. After all...

The actions of those guards earlier were not out of respect for their doctor; it was all due to the "Respect for You, a True Man" phenomenon. Among the ten biggest rumors about Fire Moth, Mobius monopolized eight. One of them stated that the guests of Mobius, the doctor, would generally not have a good outcome...

So, the guards' attitudes towards Ling Xi were truly based on the "Respect for You, a True Man" concept...

Walking alongside Klein, Ling Xi passed by several buildings and saw numerous people. However, their expressions turned strange upon seeing Ling Xi walking alongside Klein...

After about three minutes, Klein finally stopped at the entrance of a laboratory within a large building!

"Ling Xi, the doctor should be inside the lab, but..."

Klein spoke, "Because the doctor is involved in genetic research, there might be some experimental subjects in the lab. You might find it a bit uncomfortable if you see them, so I hope you're mentally prepared."

"Don't worry, I'm not easily scared by something like that."

Ling Xi nodded to show he understood. He was aware of what a scientist's laboratory could entail, and he also had some peculiar things in his own world. So, encountering odd things wouldn't be strange for him.


Seeing Ling Xi seemed to have no issue, Klein brought him to the laboratory's entrance.

Mobius's laboratory wasn't just a single room; it was divided into different areas. Upon entering, there was a lobby where Mobius typically rested, ate instant noodles, and where Klein often worked overtime. There were also five other rooms, making it a standard laboratory setup.

Once inside the lobby, Klein instructed Ling Xi to wait there while he went into Mobius's actual lab.


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