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Chapter 38: Bronya is Very Professional



As the echoes of gunfire reverberated through the snowy landscape, Bronya's curly hair danced in the wind, adding an aura of ferocity to her presence.

Her green military attire accentuated her determined stance as she relentlessly unleashed bursts of machine gun fire, each shot accompanied by explosive rounds.

The young girl's precision and control over her weapon were remarkable, making it evident that she was well-practiced in the art of combat.

Down below, two younger girls, dressed in conspicuous black armor, struggled to keep up with Bronya's relentless pace.

They desperately tried to evade the deadly hail of bullets, their movements hastened by the constant barrage of insults and belittlement from Bronya.

"Faster! Faster! If you move this slowly, do you want to die? You two weak and filthy bitches!" she shouted with an indifferent tone, addressing them directly.

The harsh words Bronya spat at her companions were reminiscent of her former instructor, someone she had once despised for their cruelty and abusive tactics.

However, it hadn't taken long for Bronya to retaliate and silence that instructor permanently, using her silk stockings as a lethal weapon.

Now, finding herself assuming a similar role to her former tormentor, a strange and unsettling excitement surged within her.

"Bronya... Bronya is talking to me~"

As Sin Mal dashed through the chaotic battlefield, her small face wore an expression that bordered on insanity.

Her cheeks flushed with a suspicious blush as she let out foolish giggles, seemingly intoxicated by the attention Bronya was giving her.

Unbeknownst to Sin Mal, her pace involuntarily slowed down, bringing her dangerously close to the explosions that raged around them.

However, just as the imminent rain of bullets threatened to engulf her, Kiana intervened, swiftly grabbing Sin Mal's hand and forcefully pulling her forward, out of harm's way.

Panting heavily, Kiana couldn't contain her frustration and exclaimed, "Are you crazy? She's not talking to you, she's insulting us!"

"...But she seems to be getting happier. I made her happy, it's great. Does this mean she's starting to like me?" Sin Mal replied, her eyes filled with innocent joy.

"You need to wake up! That person is not human, she's a demon disguised as a little girl!" Kiana retorted.

"Don't you dare insult Bronya! You little Grasshopper!" Sin Mal shouted back. (Tn: Kiana nickname in CN is grasshopper, while in NA and many other is Tuna)

Kiana was on the verge of collapse from being scolded.

What kind of teammate is this?




As the intensity of their battle reached its peak, Kiana and Sin Mal's movements became sluggish, their focus momentarily disrupted. In that critical moment, Bronya's relentless onslaught caught up with them, as her bullets tore through the air, striking their bodies with deadly accuracy.

The impact of the explosive rounds lifted them into the air, causing them to be forcefully propelled several meters before landing with an unceremonious thud.

Separated from each other, Kiana and Sin Mal tumbled uncontrollably on the ground, the force of the explosions disorienting their senses.

Finally, their bodies came to rest in the frigid snow-covered landscape, each experiencing the aftermath of the devastating onslaught in their own unique way.

Kiana, with her head buried deep in the snow, found herself in an undignified position. Her lower body rose into the air, and her buttocks stuck up comically against the wintry backdrop.

As the snow covered her face, Kiana shook off the disorientation and swiftly pushed herself upright, brushing off the powdery snow that clung to her. and pointed her tiny finger at the Bronya who are standing on the high ground, shouting:

"You little dwarf! Wait for me! Once I got a hold of you you're dead! Even my stinky dad never hit me like this! Today, if I don't beat your ass to a pulp, my name isn't Kiana Kaslana!"

Bronya raised her gun, remained silent, and simply extended her hand, flipping her middle finger.


She made that kind of sound.

Although due to the distance, Kiana couldn't hear the mocking tone in Bronya's voice, she could still see the gesture clearly.


In an instant, an intense fury surged within Kiana, igniting a flame of rage that consumed her. With a mad scream, she charged towards Bronya, her vision narrowed to a singular focus, disregarding everything else in her path.

However, her reckless advance proved futile against the relentless onslaught. The pouring firepower struck her with merciless force, sending her hurtling backward through the air.

It's important to note that although Kiana and Sin Mal's armor provided some protection, it didn't shield them entirely from the painful impact.

As the barrage continued, Kiana's cries for mercy blended with the cacophony of gunfire.

She crawled desperately in all directions, seeking refuge from Bronya's relentless assault, but there was no escape from the relentless fire.

By the way, Sin Mal, too, felt the effects of the explosions. With a blank expression on her face, her body was repeatedly launched into the air by the concussive force, only to be knocked down upon hitting the ground, trapped in an agonizing cycle

The relentless assault finally ceased when Kiana and Sin Mal, pushed to a central point, collided with each other. Bronya's gun fell silent, momentarily halting the barrage.

There were two reasons for this pause: firstly, Bronya had run out of bullets and needed to reload, and secondly, the purpose of their training was to develop mental and physical reflexes, and the continuous punishment had reached a point of diminishing practical significance.

Although Bronya had been enjoying the exercise, it was time to temporarily halt the merciless onslaught.

"Keep running!!”

"Yes QAQ!!"

“Yes QAQ!!"


Balancing her gun effortlessly with one hand, Bronya allowed herself a quick glance in the direction where Sigurd was located.

Ever since she was assigned to monitor him, she had discovered that he was an unabashed tech maniac. Being well-versed in various military skills, Bronya had acquired an impressive level of expertise in computer hacking. However, when it came to deciphering Sigurd's intricate code, even she found herself at a loss.

On the very first day of monitoring Sigurd's activities, Bronya had delved into his digital world, expecting to unravel the secrets hidden within his coding. Yet, what she encountered left her puzzled and intrigued.

The lines of code appeared to be a chaotic whirlwind of characters and commands, leaving her uncertain whether Sigurd was merely typing randomly or if there was a profound logic behind the complexity that surpassed her own understanding.

And Bronya believed it was the latter.

"What's wrong? Interested in learning some coding?" Sigurd seemed to notice Bronya's gaze. He continued typing at full speed on the virtual screen without even looking up.

"...If it's possible," Bronya replied, feeling a flicker of temptation. Self-learning required access to sufficient resources and a conducive environment, which the military didn't readily provide. While the orphanage offered stability, it lacked the urgency to foster personal growth.

Sigurd's appearance was a reminder and an opportunity. Regardless, it wouldn't hurt to learn a little more. Bronya thought to herself.

To her surprise, Sigurd extended a hand and handed her a tablet.

"A friend gave it to me. It contains a complete set of scientific enlightenment materials, comprehensive and easy to understand. I've organized and updated it specifically for research beginners. Study it diligently, and if you have any questions, feel free to come to me," Sigurd said.

“Thank you," Bronya replied, taking the tablet and glancing at it before tucking it into her clothes.

Seeing Bronya accepting the gift earnestly, Sigurd felt relieved.

Bronya, the Mech, St. Freya Academy's Trio, these are the peak of combat power in the early stages of the story.

However, in reality, she was a genius with an IQ of 180, who once regarded Schicksal's digital defense system as nothing.

Why would they make such a talented person carry a gun and fight? Wouldn't it be great if she could be a carefree, beautiful scientist? With proper nurturing, she could even become the next Einstein.

In Sigurd's plan, Bronya was most suitable to be his research assistant. As for charging into the frontlines as cannon fodder, someone resilient and enduring like Kiana would be more appropriate for that role.

Bronya accepted the tablet and then...

"Your speed has slowed down again, you two foolish bitches!"

Da Da Da Da Da!

Sigurd looked up.

Kiana and Sin Mal still seemed energetic, but Bronya... it had to be said that her insulting remarks, tinged with a hint of sweetness, had a certain appeal.

Sigurd rubbed his chin and pulled out another light machine gun, offering it to Bronya.

"Do you want another one?"


Bronya took the machine gun and looked at Sigurd with a hint of approval in her eyes.

"Double the firepower, I'll give you an extra meal. Stick your butt up and run faster!"

Da Da Da Da Da!

Da Da Da Da Da!

Sigurd nodded in satisfaction.

See, this is what you call professionalism!

As Sigurd's observation system captured these developments, it became clear that both Kiana and Sin Mal were undergoing significant transformations. Kiana's Herrscher powers were blooming, enhancing her physical capabilities to a remarkable degree. Her speed and agility surpassed anything she had previously displayed, granting her an unparalleled advantage on the battlefield.

Sin Mal, on the other hand, demonstrated a newfound finesse in harnessing her own abilities. Through conscious manipulation, she created a subtle distortion field that disrupted the trajectory of incoming bullets, giving her the ability to navigate through the deadly barrage unscathed. Her enhanced control and strategic maneuvering showcased her growth and adaptability in the face of adversity.


At dusk, a Titan robot walked back to the Cocolia Orphanage, with two motionless black-armored figures resting on the Titan shoulder, and Sigurd and Bronya seated on the other.

"You changed the control permissions of the robot?" Sigurd asked.

"Yes," Bronya confirmed.

"I've thought about it before, but I have no idea how to hack into its control system," Sigurd replied.

"First, you need a powerful enough computer, then you need the knowledge to create virtual ports, and finally, it requires practice and mastery, along with a variety of techniques... Take it step by step, I believe you can achieve it in the future," Said Sigurd while looking at Bronya.

In reality, the Bronya in the future did achieve it within the Moonlight Throne.

Bronya nodded her head slowly.

"I will study it hard. Maybe there will be a time when it will come in handy."

"Like I said before, if you have any questions, come to me. Although I'm still in the learning and charging phase myself, I shouldn't have any problems answering your doubts. By the way, how did they perform today?" Sigurd gestured towards the two girls on the other side.

Bronya glanced at them and calmly replied, "They did alright. They lacked a sense of urgency in the beginning, but they did struggle hard later on. As you mentioned, their physical capabilities are extraordinary, and surprisingly, their willpower is quite strong."

"I never doubted Kiana's determination, and as for Sin Mal, she probably doesn't want to embarrass herself in front of you. I know about you and Sin Mal. Do you dislike her?" Sigurd asked.

"No, Bronya is also someone with blood on her hands. I have no right to call her abnormal. It's just...She’s too dangerous. I don't want to get close to her," Bronya responded.

"Try accepting her if you can, for some reason, she would go docile and become safe when she’s in your presence.” Said Sigurd

Bronya fell silent.

Sigurd didn't rush to change anything either. After a whole day of work, he needed a moment to relax. With a sense of satisfaction, he gazed at the breathtaking sunset on the horizon, allowing its golden hues to wash over him. Closing his eyes, he allowed a calmness to settle within his being, appreciating the tranquility of the moment.

Upon arriving at the entrance of the orphanage, the Titan kneeled down, carefully placing the four people on its shoulder onto the ground. It took a step back, and its massive body disappeared into thin air.

"Invisibility technology?"

“Nothing of the sort, It's just optical camouflage technology used for transitional purposes."

"I heard from Mama Cocolia that this technology was rejected by researchers during the conceptual stage due to the instability of Herrscher powers..."

"That's because you haven't seen something more advanced."

In the not-so-distant future, with the help of the X-10 experiment's results, thanks to the sacrifice of Seele Vollerei's who are plunged into the quantum world, Anti-Entropy achieved a groundbreaking feat—the quantumization of the Titan mech. This remarkable advancement marked a true breakthrough in the realms of disappearance and invisibility, pushing the boundaries of energy consumption reduction, transportation efficiency, and concealment to unprecedented heights.

Sigurd crouched down, lifted the helmets of the two girls, and before him were two vacant gazes.

"Sigurd... That's going too far... How could you do this to me?" Kiana accused, tears welling up as she grabbed Sigurd's ankle.

"Tonight, there will be an extra meal with an ample supply of high-quality protein... In simple terms, plenty of meat to eat, and specially air-shipped high-end desserts just for you."

"Even if... even if that's the case (ˉ﹃ˉ)..."

Kiana wiped away the tears streaming from the corners of her mouth but still looked dissatisfied with Sigurd.

Sigurd ruffled her little head, not minding her sweaty hair sticking to him. He had a stern expression as he asked, "What other compensation do you want?"

"Help me wash my hair tonight!"

"...How did you come up with that kind of compensation?"

"I don't care. Will you agree or not? If you don't agree, I won't get up!"

Kiana pouted and stubbornly stared at Sigurd's face.

Did all the sex education that he gave to her before go to waste?

Sigurd covered his face, thought for a moment, and since they were both still young and not complete strangers to each other... Fine, let's just placate the little troublemaker.


Then Sin Mal also reached out and grabbed his ankle, looking at Sigurd with sparkling eyes.

"I... I want it too!"

He’s their guardian, and it's normal for a guardian to wash the children's hair, right?

Sigurd hesitated for a moment but decided not to struggle anymore and nodded.


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