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I updated the cookbook. I also added a new shared ingredients file that will replace the retired the 'MOD_brazenlotus_BG_CraftingIngredients', you can check out the notes for more info HERE

To see a quick list of what's been updated you can check the following pages of 'The Brazen Homestead' manual:


The Downloads folder should be updated by 11:15am PT. If you run into any issues let me know!



Where can I find the cookbook on patreon?


It's not on Patreon, it's only on the site. It's the easiest way to keep up with updates.


Where do we find the 'new shared ingredients file' on the page? I do not see anything labels as Shared Ingredients. Or are you just saying we need to re-download ALL the ingredients for everything on the site?


I just updated the post - it's here: https://www.brazenlotus.com/mods-all/shared-ingredients-tuning