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I got a ton of meshing done over the last 2 weeks, you can see everything I've finished in the photos above. 

For recipes I ended up making 5 types of Mochi because they are all so delicious :D There is chocolate, matcha, taro, mango, and strawberry mochi - the harvestables I created for ingredients for some of these are adzuki beans, rice, mango, tea plant, and cacao.

I also made the pork Tonkatsu meal to make sure we had at least one homestyle recipe for this set of recipes.

While I was making harvestables I went ahead and added some wheat and oats since I know they'll come in handy for the food grinder and future recipes.

And last but not least, the group Teapot! I used the hotplate from the hotpot because it didn't really make sense to have just the teapot, although I think I'll end up recoloring it black so it will kinda go with anything. Maybe a silver version too. 

Now that all this is done I just need to do the tuning for everything which I'll work on this next weekend. Since I don't have a lot of time during the week I'm going to try to spend any extra time this week separating the rest of the beds I missed.

If I can get them done early enough in the month I'm going to look at making some holiday recipes but I don't want to set any new goals until I'm closer to getting these done :)
