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Hey all!

As far as content updates I'll be wrapping up the Halloween recipes on Friday since I was able to take the day off :D I'll for sure have the peppers and pasta done but may need to finish the drinks early next week.

While I was sorting through all my files (in part to organize them but also to get a bunch of straggler files set up to upload), I found my Cowplant Milk mod files and spent a little bit sorting through them and tidying them up. Although it's been almost a year since I touched them there really weren't many issues with the tuning so I think I'm going to work on this next month. Some features:

  • Grafting cowberries to other plants can give a new type of cowplant
  • Different cowplants give different kinds of milk or milk products ;)
  • You can be friends or enemies with cowplants
  • The better your relationship the better quality milk
  • Buffs and debuffs based on interactions with the cowplants
  • Milk will be an ingredient that can be used to make cheese (you can see my cheese press and draining bowl above)

One of the other projects I took a look at while I was in there were the candles but there's a lot to do with those because I really want to use the candlemaking station but I want to keep the skill I created so I need a little more time to look at that. 

Once I get the site finished, all my files moved over to google drive, and get all my notes in order I'm going to hit the ground running. Sorry I know it's taking me a while to get finished with all this but I can't work until I get a little more organized because I keep misplacing or losing files and notes.

The site is looking pretty good, you can check it out at brazenlotus.com. I've got the harvestables, recipes, and most of the mods up and I'll be focusing on getting the last of the mods up tomorrow night. I've got a friend helping to get all the objects moved over so you'll see them slowly start popping up over the next couple of weeks; I didn't realize how much stuff I actually made lol. Feel free to report any issues there as well. I'm looking at adding a forum and possible some patron member pages later as well.

I know I didn't talk a whole lot about it but the new site uses zero plugins and has a ton of ways to customize everything so there's little to no upkeep. I was even able to code the pages so that patron items are clearly marked AND I made it so it only requires a single checkbox to release any patron content publicly. 

It took me a little longer but I also set up some templates so the only thing I need to do when adding new content is fill out a form and it will automatically put everything where it goes in the template. I know I'm probably the only one that's amazed at all that but it's going to save me A TON of time, I'm so excited.

Anyway, it's late so it's time I head off to bed but I'll catch up with you all later this weekend!




This sounds amazing!

Sara W

I'm Very excited for this!


Wow cowplant mod is looks amazing! Do you end this project in next month, right? (Sorry my eng is very low lvl and i want to be sure what understand correctly]


Thanks! I'm going to try to at least get the plain and strawberry ones out next month. There's a lot I want to add to this so I may release several versions of this for testing before it's done :)