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Now that commissions are open, I've been swarmed with requests. Doing commissions requires a lot of my time to get these done, and to make my life easier, I need to read the instructions that I provided in the folder.  Many of you are not reading the instructions and asking me questions that I have already asked if you have simply read the instructions. This clogs up my inbox and makes it harder to sort through the requests as they come in. I will skip your request and move to the next person's request, who read and followed the instructions, and I can work on it right away before I return to your request.

I literally spent 3 days just answering questions that were already explained in the instructions before actually getting to the commission with some of you. Please, I repeat, read the instructions first because most of the questions are everything that is already explained if you simply read the instructions. 


Jimmy P

I'm guessing reading is hard for some!