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Another Asian Beauty, my collection continues to grow :)




I'm new here. Really great work btw. So when you post all of these models are they all gonna be in future projects?


Awesome, welcome to the patreon! That's a really good question and the answer is yes they will appear in my future projects and some have in the past. Right now I am going through the stages of remaking a lot of my old models while introducing new ones. Ayami is my newest model but Marsha is my older model who received a remake treatment and featured in projects in the past. I have so many new models and remade quite a few but still have yet to feature in a project. Normally what I do is give the model their own movie and then afterwards they will appear in my loops. I don't like throwing my models in loops without proper introduction. Most of my content is story base and I want my models to have some personality which is why throwing them in a loop before fleshing them out is a waste in my opinion. Some of them will make their debut in my 60min Soap Opera "Sindale Heights" episodes and then you will see them appear in loops or even their own independent of Sindale Heights and I will eventually make them available as a Selectable model for Commissions. Hope that answers your question :)


You spoil us too much xalas these models be fucking insane 😍