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It looks like we have a winner for FEB. 2023 Project thanks to all of you. Xalas speaks with his therapist about some of his nightmares. This story is about a young Xalas being haunted by a creature called the "Night Keeper of Lust" she creeps in his room while everyone is a sleep and drain him of his Jizz. The first night she comes in and covers his mouth while she pumps him with her feet. She constantly looks towards his bedroom door to make sure no one hears them. Each night she comes to his room perform different acts until Xalas eventually likes it and begin to pleasure her instead.

The poses are complete, I just have to make the story poses for dialogue etc. Once I am done that I just need to hire 2 voice actresses which are for the Night Keeper and the Therapist Linda. I will be voicing My older and younger version of Xalas. Once again thank you all for making my decision so much easier. There will be a lot of voting coming 2023 so get ready for it XD



Jimmy P

Awesome! This one seems is gonna be fun! What's the run time for this you have planned?


Though my vote was toward Water Siren, I'm really glad both are continuing in their series. And that the polls help you out too, in juggling what I can only imagine are hundreds of different ideas 😁