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Starting 2023 you will begin to see updates with my content and one of them is model sizes. If you don't know, for years I've always had all my models the same height. The reason for that is because it make animating so much easier because posing isn't one size fit all when you factor in height. When designing a pose tailored for 1 type of height, syncing between both models are fine. But if I was to apply a smaller or taller height model to a pose that was designed for standard height models (5'0) then the animation desyncs.

This means I have to reattach and in most cases modify the pose to the newest height of whatever model I am using. So its like I am pretty much remaking the pose all over again which is a pain in the ass. What I did to give the illusion of height for my female models is just have them wear high heels etc. But not any more I will just make them their canon height as intended. Yes that means a lot of work on my end but the results will be well worth it. You've already seen my tall models with the release of "Eden Paradise" and "Lady D and The Obedient Slave" but now here are my short models. 

The First set of images is everyone's favorite Milf and bratty daughter Febee who is now attending Sindale University as a Freshman. 

Next set of images is Club Freak Nights Escorts Anastasia and Saki. Yes Saki was always intended to be short and her Voice Over pretty much hinted that. 

Then we have Tasha and her sister and Amanda who is also everyone's favorite redhead. The heels make Tasha a bit taller than she actually is but you can expect to see them in action in Sindale Heights Episode 3 beginning in 2023.

Lastly is Soriya and her girlfriends Penelope and Laura. Soriya since day one of her creation she was intended to be a cute short woman who has a passion for Fashion and Photography. Laura is taller than both Penelope and Soriya as you can see in the group photo. 

These heights won't be used in commission because I have to make presents for these new heights which will take awhile. You can expect their heights for commissions to be requested in 2023.  Well that wraps up this post, hope you are looking forward to what's in stored for 2023.




I completely understand your reasoning for the standard height of your models. Always limitations to the different software we use 😅 I’m definitely glad to see your canon height models, although I’m sure it’ll mean additional work on your end. Can’t wait to see your short stacks in action next year, and can pen me as amongst the 1st using them in a commission, once they’ve been added 😁

Jimmy P

Oh yes! My favorite Milf Belinda! Damn I love her so much! Ever since in My Sister's Feet part 1 I've been infatuated with her from that story telling of her. I'd be happy if she was my mother willing to give me foot fetish sex! 😍😍


Yeah I can't wait to flesh Belinda out more. She's actually a troubled woman and it has a lot to do with her past when she was a Teenager. But that Febee! She is a firecracker, wait till you see the poses for the tall x shorter model poses. Febee is like pocket sized while being lifted up getting pounded. Amanda is still the best hands down but wait until you see my redesign of Lisa. She is beautiful and cute.

Jimmy P

I hope you do flesh her out more and I want to know more about her story then. And yeah I like Febee alot too with the whole background of everything as well! I hope you do alot more with that because it definitely is a spicy story with that family for sure! I'm stoked to see what you have in store with it man, seriously I do. Again for me it's not just the sex poses it's the story telling to make the fantasy more alive and in depth!