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First of all Happy New Year! I just want to make a quick announcement, I have some amazing things planned for this year and I would like for all of you to join me on this ride. Starting Monday, I will be upgrading my PC graphics card once again. I am currently using a GTX1070 and will upgrade to a RTX2080, this will definitely allow me to bump things up a bit in the animation department. There are some things I am currently limited to when it comes to lighting, rooms, adding more models in a scene, due to the drop in FPS. I know some of you maybe asking "Why not get a 3070 or something?" well right now those cards are scarce at the moment so I will eventually upgrade to a higher series later within the year but this is something I need for now.

I have something else I am experimenting with that you will definitely like but I am in the testing phases right now and can't speak on what it is just yet. I don't want to make promises that I can't keep especially if its not in my control.  So there may not be a new upload till Wednesday Jan 6th because my PC will be getting upgraded and such along with the other errands I have to run in the meantime. Like always, leave some feedback because I want to make the experience as engaging as possible for all of you! 




Can't wait to see what you've got planned! Thanks again 👍


The squad is here! Thanks guys, I can't wait to show off what I am working on!