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The process of character design is an art unto itself. Especially in a character-centric universe such as our little tickle comic community.

Sometimes the process of creative a new central character is grueling and take a ton of iteration, prototyping, trial and error. But not so with Kyu. Our hot not-so-humble heroine seemed to pop onto the page fully formed and ready to take on the world (or at least to laugh hysterically)!

It’s fun looking back on this character creation sheet for her.

Hope you all enjoy!





Kyu is just so awesome that all you needed to do was put pencil to page and poof, perfection personified.


Such an incredible character and series from the get go and it's only gotten better. Have to say currently my favorites are still issue 4 and 6 at this time. Kyu getting interrogated by her own clan along with the machines tickling her...YUM! Can't wait to see when our favorite voluptuous operative pops up again!!! ;)

The Bandito

G - Thanks so much for your stalwart support (of the creative team and of the most tickleable cyber spy EVER!)! :) Can't wait to share the latest greatest Kyu adventure with you as well. You are gonna love the shit out of this next one. It'll easily be in yout top 5 tickle comics of all time list. I have extreme confidence (much like Kyu herself). Ha ha ha.