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First off, please enjoy this ADORABLE piece of Belfry drawn by Bluefurstar  on Twitter! I love this piece so much: Belfry looks so warm and sweet  and happy! She's taking more commissions and she's very affordable --  you should definitely check her out!

Now, for the elephant in the room: this isn't a new page of  Tamberlane! I'm super sorry about that: my hands have been needing a  break because I pushed em too hard for too long. The break is doing  wonders, though. Hopefully I can start to draw again soon. 

Thank you for your patience, y'all. The story's coming back soon! I'm dyin' to draw it! 

While I've been on break I've been doing a lot of Admin work instead. Some exciting things coming up:

So there's that. I've been resting too, but aside from playing a lot  of Stardew Valley, this is how I've been spending my time XP

Hope to have new pages for you soon, y'all. Tentative return date is now September 9th. 

Love y'all!





Sneaky V

Fluffy 💓

D. Stuart

Adorbs! All those little hearts around. Does she have her eye on someone? Stubat (Couldn't be me, I'm too old...:)