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Part of the next big illustration I want to make involves my husband's character, Jason (yes, this is the character that Jason from Tamberlane came from!), who generally wears a leather jacket. So one of my study topics is rendering a leather jacket!

Today's challenge was to find some references with different kind of lighting and situations for leather, and just explore it. The goal with these is not to be 100% accurate, but instead to really get a feel for how the material folds and reflects light. I used a basic G-pen with 50% opacity and banned myself from layer modes like Multiply or Overlay (I rely on those too much!) because I want to be consciously putting down the colors instead of crossing my fingers and hoping haha

Hey $100+ patrons! This is the kind of thing you can expect if you submit your characters to the art study submission form! This could've been your character on this page! As of right now, no one has submitted anything, so I'm just merrily doing my own characters for now.

Anyway! This was a lot of fun and very illuminating for me. I look forward to doing more of these kinds of studies!!




As someone who wears a leather jacket when riding these are the real deal. 👍👍


He's got a little bit of that Lucas Lee energy