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Well its the end of the year and I'm ready to see what 2024 brings, thank you all for supporting me through this time, I'm glad you can come on my continued art journey =) 

PS_ this is what Im working on for an acrylic standee for January! 




Love it! You can just hear her 'meow'


Never seen Cherry so pissed and can only think of one thing. I never forgot how much Cherry enjoys and loves Laurel's hair from the comic you did. Thank you for sharing. See it all now. The kidnappers send all of Laurel clothes and a picture of Laurel bound strictly in a chair. All the kidnappers threating to shave Laurel golden hair if the ransom is not paid. Next thing we see is Cherry going through a wall. "How dare you all even think of touching her hair." Later that evening everyone finds Cherry and Laurel by following the mess that Cherry left behind. Laurel still bounds in the chair with Cherry enjoying brushing Laurel's hair. "My Precious. How dare they touch you. My Precious." The rescuers look at all the bodies and back at Cherry enjoying Laurel's golden hair. Laurel begging them to save her from Cherry who looks at them with devilish anger red eyes. "HOW DARE YOU DISBURB US!" Cherry looks at the guards with anger. The guards trip over each other as run for their lives. "So sorry to bother you! We are leaving." "I got just the place where you be safe forever Laurel, and no one will ever touch My Precious ever again." Cherry starts to drag Laurel away. "I got a new three-inch ball gag I been wanting to test on you. Going to be extremely uncomfortable but your comfort never been issue for me as long as My Precious is safe. "We found your sister but there a new problem. Cherry. I think it best to call in the experts that know how to handle Cherry. Call Blackberry and Sam."