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Happy Friday guys!  Any plans for the weekend?  Looks like Poldar's plans are to travel the seas!  Looks like there is more than one boat with fancy metal sandals bolted into the foot-boards, but you need that good counter pressure in your legs to row properly, so its all for the best!




You can tell the slavers care about their work...they made sure to have sexy sandals waiting for the sexiest elf! Poor Poldara is going to get the workout of a lifetime there. She looks exhausted already! I wonder if her captors plan to make her row for long, or if they're just using this to wear her down so she stops resisting? Either way, I love it. And it's more evidence that either some peril is unavoidable no matter what you know/do, or that she secretly loves it!


I still wonder how all these restraints and shoes manage to fit the girls so perfectly... maybe there magical, I need to open a magic clothing and restraint shop lol, seems like it would be a big hit in my world!


It's always good to see a pleasure slave working to earn her keep. No spoiled slaves allowed! xD Lovely job as ever! :)


Oh yes, gotta work them hard to break them down, that bread and water is expensive after all ;)