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Greetings Lords and Ladies! SO starting in December I'll have a new set of tiers to help everyone save some money and (hopefully) encourage new people to support me on Patreon!

There will no longer be a $10 tier
All color drawings will be at a $5 level
All sketches $1
(I'm not sure how to change everyone's pledge from $10 to $5 do you will have to edit that yourself... I'll make an announcement Dec 1st unless you still would like to pledge $10 which of course is appreciated!)
Oh and dont worry, anything I've already done will still be available on here thanks everyone for your support I cant do it without you!!


Brett Tamahori

I'm pretty sure that you'll need to drop the $10 slot and we'll need to re-sign up at the $5 level. So just make sure to send a message to everyone so we know to do the changeover.


I'm not sure how it works either... I tried to manually lower the price but the system wont let me, so I changed the tier descriptions. I hope it will help ease the pain from two cups of Starbucks to just one a month! Also yes sending out reminder messages is a great idea

Brett Tamahori

Somebody else I follow just did something very similar and he had to drop the tier he was retiring entirely rather than change it. And to be fair, I can understand why the system would make it impossible to change the money amount for a tier people are signed up to, even going down.


Everyone will have to manually switch to the tier on their side.


I figured it would be easier than to just cancel everyone and have people re-pledge i hope I got it working