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I'm posting this to let you know that as of today, I'm disallowing reposting my mods in UU-GG.


Until now, my public mods have been posted in UU-GG with my permission. No problem there.

But today, I got notified that an user, known as  jack50025 in Anime-Sharing, reposted the Alice mod in UU-GG, going as far as to faking my permission to do so:

As you can see here, just today I answered his PM:

I've answered his messages before giving him permissions for public mods, but to this I just got to read the PM today, after he already posted it with a fake approval.

So, thanks to this, I'm disallowing posting my mods in UU-GG unless it's someone trustworthy. Don't know how much use that has though, because I don't know the rules of UU-GG.

I already asked someone to report the thread in UU-GG. 

It's not so much about the public repost of an early release, because it's the internet, it's bound to happen, it's more about trying to look good while doing it.

Sorry for anyone not involved, but please get my mods from either Patreon or my site now unless I post an UU-GG link (meaning I know about it and I'm okay with it).



Hello, Mr.roy12. Can I repost your post to the website I manage? I will mark your website link address and your name. I hope you can reply me when you have time.thank you. This is the website address I manage: <a href="https://www.zongheziyuan.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.zongheziyuan.com</a>


I already reported him and that thread notify the website administrator also hoping they'll close that tread soon i'm so sorry this happend


Update: that thread is already been deleted hahahahahah


i'm a big fan of your work this was at least i can do for you keep up the good work Roy!!


Glad you were able to handle the situation quickly and effectively. It's one thing to post exclusive paid content, but to forge the artist's permission? Unacceptable.


Strange I got a message from said person asking to share a mod I made on UU-GG. Since permission was asked I allowed it but I only speak English so I don't use those sites. Hopefully it's nothing serious.