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it's happening! a new main comic! Finn and Nick are on a roadtrip together!

 I have this new comic planned out completely! I have written out the first 12 pages, thumbnailed those 12, and sketched the first 6.

starting took quite a bit longer than planned, what with the exclusive taking me completely out of the flow for the writing portion of the comic. but I decided to skip further writing, and instead just get the ball rolling on art.

I don't expect this comic to be as long as On Full Display or Skinnydip, I am aiming for the 50 page mark.

and as you can see in the sketches, I lean heavily on a 3d model for the setdressing, but in the end it will all be completely drawn over like in the preview image. it's just a little crutch to help with consistency and fun camera angles X)

I hope by friday that I can have the cover page finished! though I wouldn't count on it, as I still have quite a bit of experimenting to do to get the new workflow right.

anyway, I'm very excited to see this one come to life! stay tuned!




nudist camp sounds fun


I like this plans :3 I would also have mentioned mini skirts :0