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Hello everyone, i know today has been post-heavy, but i've got one more.
If you're active on the discord then you're already aware, but I have quit my day job in favor of doing art full-time. There's really nothing else I'd rather be doing for a living. And it's thanks to all of you and my commissioners that it's possible. I am in your debt. You can expect even more art from me from now on.

I've got a few things I'd like to talk about.
First, there is a new tier. A $10 tier where i will pick 6 people (3 from here and 3 from substar) from it each month and give them a drawing.

Second is commissions. I have one more to finish up and then i plan to open up more in September. Instead of first-come-first-serve, i will be using google forms to take all requests and then choosing 5 at a time from the submissions. I still need to see how many commissions i will be able to get done in a month, but i may be able to take another round of 5 afterwards. For the duration of August, i've got some personal projects I'd like to work on.

Third is future projects. Oil painting and Animation are 2 things i want to explore. Potentially, i'll be able to do animations for the monthly exclusives. Oil paintings i plan on working on every saturday. I've had some people express interest in buying physical pieces, so that is a possibility as well.

Thank you all once again! I hope to continue to improve not only my art, but the rewards on here to make it as worth the money as possible.
Love you all!



Doing art full time is a huge milestone. Happy to see you come out on top 🤟