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"Organization" Activity Report, Excerpts from the Audio Recording of the Venue's Narration

Target: ████ Mixed Martial Arts Championship

Summary: Group Hypnosis Using the Device ██████

Ladies and gentlemen in the audience! The moment we've all been waiting for has finally arrived! Here before us stands the culmination of untiring labor and rigorous training. Welcome to the █████ Mixed Martial Arts Championship! Strikes, throws, joint locks—every technique will collide, unleashing a storm of excitement. The warriors gathered here tonight are giving it their all in each and every intense battle. This is the essence of true martial arts! Tonight, a fierce contest of destiny begins. Who will seize the glory of victory?


Um, something seems off...

Oops! My sincere apologies! There seems to have been a mistake in the narration!

Gentlemen in the audience! The moment we've all been waiting for has finally arrived! Here before us stands the culmination of untiring labor and rigorous training. Welcome to the █████ Male Sexual Arts Championship! Fucks, Sucks, Handjobs—every technique will collide, a battle between men on the edge of cumming or being made to cum! The warriors gathered here tonight are vigilantly watching to see who will rape whom. This is the essence of true fag sex! Tonight, a fierce contest of destiny begins. Who will get the most semen and applause?

Will he quickly apply a ground technique to his fallen opponent? He straddles and lowers his hips deeply... It's a perfect reverse cowboy position! Ippon!

Avoiding the ground game, he's transitioned to the turtle guard position, but oh, he got his pants pulled down and inserted big cock in the doggy position! There's no escaping this!

Oh my god! What an impressive reverse suspended! He lifted his opponent and executed a precise strike! This is the essence of sexual arts!

A timely counter has landed! Confidently blocking his opponent's high kick and delivering a ballet dancer position! A high-level move right there!

Tough and resilient fighter, ███! His man cunt is also incredibly tough! Even after three rounds of big cock breeding, look at that composure! Who can mess up his hole?

What an incredible knockout! The victorious fighter, ███, raises his arms and ejaculates profusely! Truly manly!

Both competitors fought with all their strength, drenched in cum! It was truly an amazing battle! Let's pay our respects to the grit and cock of both athletes!

The fuck is far from over! The championship is heating up with a series of intense sexual arts. Gentlemen in the audience, be prepared for breathtaking moments to come. Don't miss their passion and determination, and keep your eyes on these fierce confrontations unfolding on this stage! Shower your favorite fighters with applause and bukkake!





会場にお越しの皆様! ついにこの時がやってまいりました! 絶え間ない努力と鍛錬の結晶がここにあります。 格闘技の祭典、その名も████総合格闘選手権! 打撃、投げ、関節、あらゆる技術が交錯し、熱狂の嵐が巻き起こります。 この瞬間に集いし戦士たちが、一瞬一瞬の闘いに全てをかけています。 これが真の格闘技の本質! 今宵、運命を賭けた壮絶な戦いが始まります。 勝利の栄光を掴むのは誰なのか?



おっと! 大変失礼いたしました! ナレーションに不備があったことをお詫び申し上げます! 

改めて会場にお越しの皆様! ついにこの時がやってまいりました! 絶え間ない努力と鍛錬の結晶がここにあります。 性技の祭典、その名も████雄性交選手権! チンポ、ケツ、口、あらゆる技術を用いて、男同士のイクかイカされるせるかギリギリバトル! この瞬間に集いし戦士たちが、誰が誰を犯すのか虎視眈々と狙っています。 これがホモセックスの本質! 今宵、運命を賭けた壮絶な戦いが始まります。 精液と拍手喝采を一番浴びるのは誰なのか?

倒れた相手に素早く寝技をかけるか? 跨って深く腰を落として……これは完璧な背面騎乗位固めです! 一本!

寝技を避けてタートルガードポジションになったが……おおっと! パンツを脱がされて後背位からの容赦ない巨根挿入! これは逃げられない!

なんてことでしょう! これは見事な逆駅弁固めです! 相手を抱え上げてからの、狙い通りの一撃! これが性技の真髄です!

タイムリーなカウンターが決まりました! 相手のハイキックを余裕で受け止めてからの強烈な変形立ち鼎! 高難度技が成功!

タフさが売りの██選手、ケツマンコも非常に丈夫です! 巨根種付けを3発食らってもこの余裕の表情! 彼の雄穴をぶっ壊すのは誰だ?!

素晴らしいKOでした! 勝利した███選手は腕を振り上げて大量射精しています! 実に男らしい!

両者ともに精液にまみれながら精を尽くして戦いました! 本当に素晴らしいバトルでしたね! 両選手の根性とチンポに敬意を表します!

さあ、まだまだファックは終わりません!過激な性技の連続で大会は熱を帯びています。 観客の皆さま、息を呑むような瞬間が今後もやってきます。 彼らの情熱と闘志を見逃さず、この舞台で繰り広げられる激しい対決に注目してください! お気に入りの選手には惜しみない拍手とぶっかけをどうぞ!
