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In this document, we will explore the monsters that suddenly appeared around the world in the year 20██, particularly focusing on the monsters that pose a significant threat to adult males.


The Orc is a monster that closely resembles a humanoid figure, walking on two legs. They possess a robust and muscular physique, boasting raw strength. Initially, sightings were limited to remote areas, but in recent years, they have become increasingly common even in urban areas. It should be noted that only male-type individuals have been confirmed.

Despite their low intelligence, these ferocious beings remain loyal to their insatiable desires and act upon their primal urges, specifically driven by sexual impulses. The purpose of their attacks on humans is not for killing or consumption but rather to satisfy their sexual needs.

The Orc is a monstrous creature that emerges seemingly out of nowhere and does not reproduce through conventional means of procreation. The act of assaulting humans is not for reproductive purposes, but rather serves as a means to satisfy their sexual impulses, akin to what is commonly referred to as treating humans as "sex toys." While in many cases, Orc victims are left abandoned, there have been reported instances where they selectively kidnap individuals whom they find intriguing, forming a disturbing "collection."

They seek larger and sturdier individuals, making muscular adult males their primary targets. This preference is driven by their quest for more robust sex toys. It is worth noting that individuals possessing the ability to counter Orcs, such as police officers or military personnel, become desirable targets themselves. Thus, confronting an Orc alone is ill-advised, and it becomes imperative to unite as a group to effectively combat their threat.


The Lycanthrope is a monster that resembles a bipedal animal. What sets them apart from other monsters is their unique transformation, where human who were leading ordinary lives suddenly undergo a drastic metamorphosis. The tendencies for individuals to undergo such transformations vary greatly, making it challenging to pinpoint specific factors. However, there are some common patterns in the timing of these transformations.

Firstly, transformations tend to occur predominantly during the nighttime. Additionally, numerous reports indicate that transformations are often triggered by individuals experiencing heightened states of excitement. For example, instances have been documented where transformations occurred during intense sports activities, violent altercations, or periods of excessive alcohol consumption.

During their transformation, Lycanthropes exhibit a strong manifestation of primal desires, leading to rape accidents resulting from sexual urges or aggressive impulses. Although they revert back to their normal human form within a few hours, controlling their actions during the transformation becomes immensely challenging as they are driven by instinctual urges.

The existence of Lycanthropes raises complex issues related to human rights. While they temporarily assume the form of a monster, they are fundamentally human beings. Debates surrounding the actions committed and the harm caused during their transformation continue, emphasizing the need for legal regulations and ethical considerations.


The term "Man-Eater" encompasses a group of plant-like monsters. In this document, we will focus on the Vine-type Man-Eater.

Vine-type Man-Eaters emerge in environments abundant with vegetation, such as forests. They possess the unique characteristic of capturing humans and restraining them while keeping them alive. These plant-based monsters sustain themselves by extracting bodily fluids from their prey. They have a particular preference for human semen and exhibit behaviors that stimulate the penis and rectum of their victims to efficiently obtain their desired fluids.

There have been reports of victims being forcefully compelled to ingest a substance resembling sweet tree sap through their mouths. This peculiar behavior evokes images contrary to humans cultivating plants, instead presenting a scene where plants domesticate humankind, resembling a form of reverse domestication.

Their cunning predatory strategy is truly formidable, making caution essential when venturing into forested areas or dense jungles.


Tentaculus is a monster resembling the tentacles of aquatic soft-bodied creatures found near bodies of water. While it is speculated that there is a central body part similar to that of an octopus or squid, the existence of the main body remains unconfirmed, with only sightings of the tentacular appendages recorded.

These unique beings capture humans and ingest their bodily fluids, making them peculiar creatures. They have a particular fondness for semen and employ their tentacles for its collection. By inserting their tentacles into various orifices of the human body, including the urethra and anus, they stimulate the secretion of bodily fluids. To prevent resistance from their prey, the tentacles secrete a special substance that induces muscle relaxation, intoxication, and heightened sensitivity of the skin.

Tentaculus seeks specific components present in human bodily fluids, thus their intention is not to kill but to ingest these fluids. In most cases, once the fluid extraction is complete, the captured individuals are released from restraint.

There are enthusiasts who deliberately venture near bodies of water, willingly allowing themselves to be captured by Tentaculus, as they perceive the experience to be a thrilling sensation with minimal life-threatening danger. However, the exact composition of the secretion remains unknown, making the risks involved undeniable.

Furthermore, the mucous secreted by Tentaculus holds the potential to become a source of novel pharmaceutical ingredients. As a result, some researchers have attempted to collect the secretion. Unfortunately, there have been instances where the collectors have become victims themselves, emphasizing the ongoing risks associated with such endeavors.




オークは、人間に酷似した二足歩行の骨格を持つモンスターである。 彼らは筋骨隆々で頑健な体躯を誇り、粗暴な力を持つ。 当初の目撃例は人里離れた場所に限定されていたが、近年では市街地でも頻繁に目撃されるようになった。 オス型の個体のみが確認されている。

この凶暴な生物は知能は低いが飽くなき欲望に忠実であり、本能的な衝動、つまり性欲に従って行動する。 オークが人々を襲う理由は殺傷や捕食が目的ではなく、性欲発散のためである。

オークはどこからともなく発生するモンスターであり、生殖行動で繁殖する存在では無い。 人間を犯すことは繁殖のためでなく、性的な衝動の解消、つまり俗に言う「オナホール」扱いをしていると考えられる。 オークの犠牲者はそのまま放置される場合が多いが、気に入った相手を「コレクション」として連れ攫う例も報告されている。

彼らはより大型で丈夫な個体を求めており、筋肉質な成人男性が彼らの主な標的となるのはそのためである。 オークに対抗できる力を持った警察官や軍人などの人々こそがオークの好む標的となるため、単独での対処は避け集団で結束し対処する必要がある。



変異する人間の傾向は様々であり、特定することは難しい。 しかしながら、変異が起こるタイミングにはある程度の共通のパターンが存在する。

まず、変異は夜間に起こることが多い。 さらに、興奮状態にあった人間に変異が引き起こされた事例が多数報告されている。 例えば、スポーツの競技中や激しいケンカ、または過度な飲酒時などである。

ライカンスロープは変異中に本能的な欲求が強く現れる特徴があり、性的欲求や攻撃衝動に起因するレイプ事故が後を絶たない。 変異した彼らは数時間後には通常の人間の姿に戻るが、変異中は本能的な衝動に従って行動しているため、制御が困難である。










テンタクルズは人間を捕らえ体液を摂取する特異な存在である。彼らは特に精液を好み、その摂取のために触腕を利用する。尿道や肛門をはじめとした人体のあらゆる開口部に触腕を挿入し、刺激することで体液の分泌を促すのである。 獲物が抵抗しないように触腕から分泌される粘液には特殊な成分が含まれており、筋肉の弛緩や酩酊感、皮膚感覚の鋭敏化などを引き起こす。 







This is great. The narrative added a lot to it. I agree that your men are hot and gorgeous.

Darren F

I like that you included bonus images in the file - what a wonderful treat to get those extras!