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These are actual WIPs , both are going to be finished works. Also both pics are just  the initial part of it, the real action isn't in these previews : P 

I was going to post these until completed, but I decided  to give you a quick update on my situation since it's already the end of the month:

As you can see, I'm still drawing. I told you I'd draw some sketches for you this past month and then close this Patreon after that. To my surprise I haven't lost motivation yet, even if I've been busy with real life.  For those of you that have just joined, please check the recent  "Updates" post .

 I'm still not 100% sure what to do , but I guess I will be around for a while at least until I finish the FE, Mythra and  Dawn pic I promised. Those would be next. Then I don't know, I've came up with an idea on how I could work on your requests going forward, but I need to try it and see if I can make it work and stick with it. For now I will focus on these. 

I really appreciate your support, thank you. 




Always good to see you drawing! Looks great and I look forward to seeing where you go from here into the future! Wishing you much luck and success in your future.


These look great, as usual, looking forward to the finished products, and especially seeing you draw Dawn again. Also, will you upload the other sketches?


Your art is always amazing to see. I honestly do believe that no one compares to your style. If you want to close the patreon, that is fine. It is your choice in the end. But I do feel the art world would be missing a lot if it didn't have you. Regardless, I hope you are well and I am looking forward to seeing what else you make!

pengin senshi

I'm glad you're sticking around, at least for now! I think most of us are understanding of your situation, and I hope you don't feel pressured to constantly produce too much art at once. Honestly, if you just post WIPs like this for the next few months while you fully decide what to do, or which art to try to complete, that would be good for enough.

José P

Oh, this is amazing man. And I am really glad you will bless us with more art for a while. Can't wait to see best blondie completed! Keep up the good work!

Idiot in violet

What kind of brush do you use for your line ? Overall, can't wait to see the Rhea drawing finished.


Amazing works :) and really glad to hear your thinking about sticking around. I hope you do decide to finish some of the other sketchs later. Looking forward to the Dawn work as she was always my favorite out of the female traveling companions.


Thank you, I do think I need some more time to decide what to do, for now I will keep posting sketches like these and also complete some.


For the lines I use the round blend brush of SAI paint tool. Yes, I still use SAI ,I like the oldschool feeling.


So Summer Hilda is really happening?


Glad to see that you still have the motivation to drawn but I hope you can take your time to make your decision,I believe everyone here loves your style and would support you even when you are not feeling good or motivated ,nonetheless I respect you and your decision and hope the best for you


This update does put a smile on my face. Glad to hear that your motivation isn't gone. If you truly are sticking around, I hope you pace yourself and not get sick of drawing. You do have wonderful work.


I'm glad to know that you're looking fine :) I can't say more that what I've already said in the past but I'm really glad that it looks like you're having fun! These WIPS looks fun too, especially the FE3H one :p For some reasons while Awakening is probably my favourite FE game (for its simplicity and nostalgia, honestly), the 3H characters are probably my favourite from what I played so far. Though, chara-design wise, the children in Fate are probably among my favourite too (especially the Kitsune and wolf girls)


Oh, I wanted to know, since you're my favourite artist I like to try to save every drawing you made on my computer so I have a complete file of everything you published. Is it a problem?


So possibly a personal question but Terufuu are you a he or a she? Sorry was replying to another comment and called you a he and realized I'm not sure if that was right.


That's wonderful. I've been pretty happy with the amount of sketches you've been posting, too. It feels great to have you still here and posting occasionally.

Sergio Barajas

I am glad you’re having fun with what you’re doing.


Like I said before, you gotta do whatever works for you. I love your art and hope you keep making it, so I hope your motivation keeps up, but if it does fade I'll be happy for what you've given us already.