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Wait, what do you mean? Every character I draw is ( or aged up)  18+! it's just she can't promote because she doesn't have enough experience points. 

There's  a story of someone at GameFreak saying the Lass trainer class evolved into Beauty,  so this is inspired by that.

Another WIP .Excuse my ugly writing and english, I hope it is understandable at least. 

 I'll make a couple of requests I promised next  and then I'll start working on the FE characters I said I'd do.  Thank you.

We all have a favorite trainer class right? Mine is Ace trainer,  specially from XY and ORAS. 

  Originally the plan for my  (Draw every hot female Gym Leader and Elite4 from every generation) project was to replay the games as I was going through it to give me inspiration , and between each gym leader pic, I'd make these type of little artwork of female trainer classes as I was encountering them in the games.

Well, I started to replay gen I yesterday.  




These are very fun to see and giving the scene context creates a lot of variety. Looking forward to the next piece!


Yeah this looks Great :) and yeah Female Ace trainer next and again sorry to ask but could you check messages?


Context is important, specially for the last few pieces I've uploaded. Thanks : )


Thanks, though Ace trainer isn't next in this series, it would be Lass.


Really cute concept :D I don't really have a favourite class but I really like the woman Miner from Sword and Shield, I love muscular girls :p


Oh and yeah you do right to precise that she's 18, some people just can't understand that short sized girls exist and that when we sexualized a character we almost always imagine them as the same age as us lol Sometimes it feels like people on the internet forget that short sized adult girls exist, too. I mean, two of my favourite Fate characters are Shuten Douji and Helena Blavatsky, but I can't really say that upfront because some people would say that I'm a lolicon, it's really annoying.


Well good luck with your replays :D

Sergio Barajas

I like the expression on her face. Ah yes, we have a favorite, mine is beauty from pokemon silver? That miniskirt is very appealing.


More trainer classes, mwahaha. And I don't have an absolute favorite but off the top of my head, gen 6 ranger (and designs from actual pokemon ranger series), gen 8 dancers and gen7 beauty are top contenders


Don’t know if I have a favorite class,but my favorite design would be the ace trainer or lass trainer both from ORAS. Personally I replayed a lot the games from gen 1,I think the simplicity of the region it’s really charming for me,so hope you have fun replaying it.


That harden joke was perfect. Looking forward to the requests. Hope this also means we'll see a Sabrina pic sometime in the future. And yeah, the Ace Trainers from XY/BW are probably my favorite generic trainer designs - a shame she got overshadowed by the Hex Maniac because of that cocktease event, but I'm pretty sure she got a few cameos in the anime to make up for it.


Those expression on her face are amazing. I never knew I wanted to see the picnicker in this kind of scenario. Something that always gets me excited is how you draw characters expressions, and character positions never disappoint. Fantastic job as usual! If I had to pick a favorite class type, its very hard decision, but I will go with Scientist from Black and White. Followed really closed by Aether Foundation employee and the Interview girl from Ruby and Sapphire.


Yes, beauty I like the FRLG one, Sun/Moon and the one from Masters. Thanks


Rangers are also good , gen 7 beauty is one of the best too : )


I really like the trainer class designs in ORAS and XY. Gen 1 simply has special value for me.


Mm, hard for me to decide which Sabrina version to make though. FRLG or Let's Go? I really like both.And Hex Maniac is up there for my fav npcs too, its why I made that pic with her and Ace Trainer. : P


Thank you, I'll try to diversify more the expressions in my drawings. I like Aether foundation employe too. : )

Idiot in violet

For me nothing can beat the swimmer en beauty classes. gen V Backpacker is also really cute.


I like the Lass. My favorite senario? "I lost, but I have no money!?" Ace Trainer is a close second. The idea of making such a refined and dignified person lose it is pretty hot.


In terms of design, I'd say Lass is most consistently close to being my favorite. My favorite individual design would be female clerks from Black/White 2.


There are absolutely some very good NPC Trainers. My favories would probably the Ace Trainers from Black/White, but I also quite like the lass designs of the later games.


For me, it's the Poké Kid girl from gen 8 :^)


Actually gonna change my earlier opinion for favorite class after going and reviewing the different classes and actually will go with Furisode Girls :)


Draw what you like homie. We here to support you.


Any word on what happened to the Byleth drawing you were making a while back :(?


Rosa is my favorite~ I love her twintails


I love how round and "bouncy" you made the details of her design! It's a wonderful update to her looks. It might be fun to see something like this where a trainer is still wearing the clothes from when they started their journey, and they no longer fit their new curves...