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Hello. It's been a while . I've recieved  messages and a notification that patreons were charged last month. Sorry. I thought I put automic payments on hold  until "I was ready to return" but it seems it renewed automatically for May again and I didn't realize it. Sorry, I will    make some pics in return this month for you. You won't be charged again of course.

As for me, I've been ok for the most part, but sadly I've lost  the motivation to draw. Dealing with real life  and   (oh surprise) drepression has been hard for me. It's even hard for me to notify you about it again. I'ts funny because people in real life can't tell and think everything is ok. 

Also, I've had a massive artblock I can't seem to overcome for months. I can't finish anything; I spend hours on something only to discard it because I end up don't liking it. There's so many great artists out there I feel overwhelmed by all the awesome art, and  I start thinking how my art is not up there. People always say I shouldn't worry about that, but for me it is important. 

On top of that, it looks like times are changing, now it seems  that doing 18+ work is riskier than ever and that's without counting drawing poke mon stuff. People told me to join Twitter some time ago, and after seeing the things that happen there I'm glad I didn't. Patreon itself is enforcing new rules now and it just a matter of time too.

So yeah, taking into consideration the past few years, it seems I'm not cut for this. I don't want  to trouble you anymore, so please don't wait for me to return anytime soon. I'll be around to post the couple of pics I owe you, then I want to close this Patreon account for good. 

Sorry for troubling you and thank you very much for the support.


For the pics I'll draw: 

 I'm doing a a little strip comic of  Serena, came up with the idea of doing little "comics" with a variety of characters a while ago but I couldn't finish even one.  

Request a Fire Emblem character/s. 

Also request any videogame character you want.




I’m just glad to hear from you. I wish there was some way I could help but I’ve been a fan of yours for years and it’s not an exaggeration to say that you’re by far my favorite. I’ll be sad to see you go but I respect you as an artist and a person. Sending much love and thoughts your way. ♥️ You are far more amazing than you realize, I just hope you find someone that can help you through like someone did for me.


I'm sorry to hear you aren't doing well. That's really unfortunate, and especially that you don't wanna do art anymore, because you're really good at it. Still, you need to do what you think is best, so I hope that you find joy in whatever it is that you do. If you ever need help or just someone to talk to, I'm sure plenty of your patrons (myself included) would be willing to listen. As for requests, I'd love to see you draw Rise Kujikawa from Persona 4.


Damn, it's a shame you think you're not cut out for this. I can say with confidence you're one of my favorite artists out there. But if that's how you feel, I understand how continuing to draw will be detrimental to your mental health. If you do want to get some final pics to go out with, than I'll go with Fire Emblem and give you a list of options so that you can pick what you like most. So the girls I'd like to see would be, Ophelia, Female Morgan, Corrin, Celica, Tiki, Ishtar, Caeda. I think Ophelia and F!Morgan would be pretty good with your style in the similar way you draw the main pokegirls in a way(plus they'd be my top pics). But the others could also work as well considering they've got a nice refinement to them. And, I know this may be asking for much, especially after getting that Micaiah pic, but if you do do any of these girls, I'd LOVE to see them with Male Morgan, hah. I just have a bit too much love for the lad. But yeah, while I'm sad to hear you go, what you've given us over the years is nothing short of breathtaking, so thank you, and good luck wherever life brings you next.


The retirement of a Legend... honestly it feels so surreal to me that its hard to accept. Even though I consider it as a curse that I got drawn into the World of Adult Content, I'm indeed very glad that you were my first exposure to NSFW. You got my prayers Terufuu and all I can hope for now is that you'll win the fight against your Depression. Btw, your Serena Artworks were by far my favorites ;)


Sorry to hear that life hasn't been great, hopefully, things turn around one day. I love your art but at least you're taking care of yourself. For a video game character, I think it would be nice to see some more Samus especially after the new Metroid game announcement!


I'm probably not able to relate as far as real life problems go but it's alright to feel down over it, if closing the patreon will help you feel less guilt about the art block then I'm fine with it. However I'd still like to support you even if you didn't post, it may seem illogical but your stuff played a part in my own creativity with art and my donation every month is the small thank you I can give for it. On the subject of art block I recently got out of mine that lasted 2-3 months, I feel bad about it but I'm starting to fire my tablet back up and get back to it. Art blocks are normal and theres no need to make yourself feel bad about needing a couple of months to cool down. Hope things improve in the upcoming months and you start to feel better 🙂


I'm sorry you're not feeling well terufuu. I'm also sad to see you plan to depart art permanently. You are a very special artist to me; you were the first artist I ever chose to support. And since I did over 5 years ago, I've gone on to support and spur the success of some now popular artists. It all started with you and it was because your art held a tremendous investment of love and passion in each piece. I really don't want to see you go but that choice is yours to make. Thank you for sharing your art for all these years.


Sucks to hear you're going through all that, and the general bullshit artists are having to deal with on top of that... sad to hear you're going to just put it all behind you, but I hope that your outlook on life in general is able to improve, at least in some small part, for it. Wish you all the best, and good luck! If you're taking any video game character requests at this final juncture, then I'll ask for Y'shtola from Final Fantasy XIV


Apologies I forgot to request. For Fire Emblem I would Lissa and the video game character I would say either Rottytops or Shantae.


Please draw Sabrina in the style of the drawings of Ash's girls and Erika from different angles, before you go. I've been waiting years for that


Also, if you don't mind, I'd like to see Miette and Serena team up on Ash even if it's not a full doujin


I'm so sorry to hear of your current situation. I hope that things improve for you as your talent is literally quite unmatched compared to a lot of other artists. Your style is so unique and incredible, it'd be a shame to never see it again. But as a fan of yours, I say do what makes you the most happy. Hope that we can still see some more art from you in the future. As for requests. I personally would love to see one other Tharja pic, I know one has been made but it's mainly my bias towards her. If not her then Shamir would also be a great pick. Other non FE characters I would say 2B from Nier or Makoto from Persona 5.


I'm sorry to hear. If it helps any, you're one of my favorite artists, and I'm glad that you let us know how you're doing. I'll understand if you aren't able to finish what you have left and just need to close the page as well, so if you need to, please don't feel guilty about that option. If you need ideas, I'd request Lissa, Lucina, Byleth F, or Shiki Misaki from TWEWY. But again, do what you feel is best for you. You're not troubling us.

José P

Man, you are a legend, one of the greatest artists ever. I am sorry you have been feeling bad, but if closing Patreon will help you feel better, go ahead. Can't stop a legend, am I right? Please be safe. As for the character request... I will leave that to you. No matter who it is, your art will be a masterpiece


I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. But at the same time a big decision like this might be necessary to help you get your life together. I wish you the best of luck with whatever decision you may take. As for requests I already got princess Daisy from you so thank you very much. Now this might sound like a lot but, I would appreciate it if you could share some PSD files of your previous works. I know I asked plenty of times, but it would be a great opportunity to learn from a great artist. I could even buy them separately if you wish.


Being open like this is already way better than a lot of other artists that just vanish. Important thing is to not feel bad about anything, people follow you because you were great at what you did. It's healthy for you to stop if you don't feel the motivation or the creativity, because at that point.. is it art? To just draw mindlessly and produce lower quality pictures just to satisfy your audience? You made the right decision for yourself, and who knows? Maybe a big long break could bring you back. If that ever happens, there are people who'll happily come back to you. Prioritize yourself. My personal suggestion is 2B from Nier.


I'm sorry to hear that you'll be leaving, and that depression is as bad for you as it is. Not joining twitter was an especially smart move in light of that, but if you want a place to upload your art where you won't get the sort of mob on twitter and can archive your pieces, use Pixiv - you still have an old account there if I remember right. If you don't want to stay on Patreon either, consider moving to subscribestar and/or gumroad because they're fine with 18+ stuff. I get that looking at other people's art can be intimidating, and especially the ones who get promoted a lot - but a big part of the reason *why* they get promoted like they do, and get the showcase they have, is that they consistently draw and upload, even when they're not necessarily 100% happy with the result or fully motivated to (and maybe not looking at other people's art for a while can help you get your own motivation back?). Everyone here loves your artwork and thinks the world of it, and as cynical as it sounds, you don't have to be satisfied with your own work for us to be happy with it. We don't come here because we want a Sakimiclone or an Aztoclone, we come here because we want *your* work. As for my character request, all I really want is the Oichi art you said you'd do, and for you to finish that Tiki sketch from years ago. But please, just let us know in the future before you're going to drop off the internet - it shouldn't take an accidental charge for you to just let us know that you don't want to keep drawing.

Idiot in violet

I'm sad that you want to close this Patron, you art has always been one of the best. You're maybe not the best at drawing, but at least you're not doing pictures with one girl with 100 variations. You always do great with composition, which a lots of 18+ artists are lacking. That's the reason I'm your Patreon, and not the for the others, it's not "boring" to see. I think it's good that you want to always do better, but don't forget you are already doing a great work, and even if you don't like what you're doing, I love it and you inspire me as an artist. I really hop that, even if you close your Patreon, you let a way to still follow you. And for the request, it will be Mia from Fire emblem !


To be completely honest it's really sad to see you go like this,but as someone who also has depression i can imagine what kind of pain you are going throught,your artstyle is one of the reasons i started to inspire to become an artist so i am trully greateful for your works throught those years.Just remember that you are the most important person in your life so you should always take care of yourself first,if there is anything you need or someone to talk i am sure there is a lot of people besides me who would gladly help you,just take care man,i trully wish the best for you. If i could make a request i would ask for Kureha from SAOFB and Corrin from FE Fates ,but don't force yourself to do it,just stay well.

Mr Simple

Hey there thanks for being a good artist especially with your Serena drawings. Its gonna be different when one of the best artist that I follow is gonna go. I may not know much but always stay positive man and believe in yourself! If you get a chance would you be able to draw Kaede Takagaki from idolmaster? Once again thanks for everything and take care. If by chance you decide to draw again, i'll be one of many who'll support you!


Thats a shame. Your art was something that really stood out to me and I wish I’d had supported you sooner just to show I appreciate your work


You are an incredible artist and definitely one of my favorites. Ive been following you for years and when I heard that you had returned and had a Patreon, I was happy to be a supporter. I am sad that you may be leaving again but your happiness and well being is more important and I hope the best for you in your life. If you are able, my request is Mia from Fire Emblem but if not, that is fine too!


I'm not lying at all when I say you're easily one of my favorite artists ever and it's a shame to see that you are in this situation because as you can see by your following on here and these comments many people love your work. I hope you can reach a point of return that you feel comfortable with. I'd love to see Altina Orion, Estelle Bright or Renne Bright from you but if it becomes too much then don't sweat it. Would definitely be a dream come true to see either of these characters in your style for me though, just to tell you how much I enjoy your art.


Terufuu, so sorry to hear you've been struggling not just with life, but with depression and also art block. It's saddening to hear those words from such an amazing artist. And no, I'm not saying it purely because "I want to see more porn", no! Truly, your art is incredible, and I would have loved to support even non-NSFW content. But in the current situation you have found yourself in, it's best that you do what you feel is right. We love your work, we loved supporting you, and know that we will support you even after you quit. Best of wishes with your life, and please don't lose the battle against depression. It's a tough opponent to face, make sure to take it easy, and don't overwhelm yourself.


I'm sorry to hear how things are going for you, and I hope they improve. I completely understand your decision to stop - taking care of yourself should always come first. You were the first artist I started to recognize by name, almost 10 years ago now. Even with how much more I've seen since then, you are still easily in my top two, and I wish I'd been able to start supporting you earlier. I wish you the best in your time ahead, and hope you find something that makes you happy, whatever that ends up being.


It's good to hear from you again: remember that no matter how bleak things might seem, you have people who care about your well-being and appreciate your art! I can't speak for everyone, but I'll gladly support you financially, even on an irregular schedule. Stay healthy and safe.

Punished "Venom" Link

I'm sorry to hear what you are going through. I've been through a similar situation, just dont give up on yourself. You're an incredible artist, I'm glad I discovered your art and looked forward to when you made new stuff. The May and Hilda pics you did were my favorite, I'll definitely miss seeing your art, But you decide what's best for you my friend.

Street Yard

I appreciate all the art you’ve created. Sad to see you go but you have to do what you feels right for you thank you! Your art will truly be missed especially by your Patreons. You Will forever be one of my favorite artists!


It's sad to see the current events going on like this where it becomes more difficult for artists. I've been undergoing a similar situation as you as well, and I wish there's something I can do to help out. Your art has inspired others and some even looked up to your art. (As for character requests, Celica from Fire Emblem Echoes Shadows of Valentia as long as you are willing to.)


Please do summer Hilda


Happy to hear from again. I know it's not easy to avoid comparing yourself to other artists, but you're still definitely among the long time greats. To this day ppl ask about you whenever new art stops showing up for a while, you and work are beloved. Depression is an understandable obstacle so definitely take the time you need but please remember your return will always be welcomed with open arms. As for patreon being weird, I can understand the concern. I hear subscribestar and pixiv fanbox are the biggest alternatives that I know of do i suggest those as other options


Request: Gemini Sunrise from Sakura Wars


It's a shame that you're going to leave. I hope you find motivation and come back at some point.


Great to see you back if your taking requests again still would love to see Aqua from KH or Weiss from RWBY


Sorry to hear you are going through so much trouble. Artblock is a pain in the ass and hard to find the right tick to even make a hair of progress. I feel for you in the depression department as well. I have a couple of relatives who go in and out of depression and it is an issue to deal with but you can definitely get on the right track and I'm rooting for you. I've always loved your work, and I think you do phenomenal work but I can understand your thought process as well as I always try to improve upon my own works. Don't be afraid to take a longer break and sort things out before you make a decision to come back or not (to drawing regardless of Patreon being your platform). Your health should be more important than fluff work. Also if you really are looking for something to draw for some reason, I'd request :Dizzy and Jack-O Valentine from Guilty Gear. Best of luck to you, and take care of yourself!


So just read the whole post and sorry to hear your closing this down. Maybe consdier Pixiv Fanbox? It works similar to Patreon and since I assume your from Japan would probably be more conviniant for you anway. Just hate to see you leave the art stage for good. I also think you might be thinking of TUMBLR as they went strictly no NSFW stuff. Twitter still allows that


I just can't understand how someone so talented with glorious art thinks themselves not as good. I just can't comprehend, and maybe I never will. However you decide to move forward, I know there are people like me who will always support you regardless. No regrets.


Regarding your last few posts you'd be posting, would you be willing to do either Soleil or Ophelia from Fire Emblem Fates? Sad to see you go but I appreciate you coming out and being honest. That said, I'm very glad for all the work you put out along the years.


Get off platforms like twitter and patreon. There's stuff like pixiv fanbox which will allow you more artistic freedom. I don't know what you've been going through in your life, but in terms of art skill, you're one of the best hentai artists in the business, don't lose confidence.


Happy to see you back :D artblocks can happen but take your time also if you leave Patreon you should try pixiv or fantia


Also let me tell you that before you I would never give money to an artist but your work is so amazing that I had to join when you made that Patreon lol . You are far more amazing that you think


Really sorry to hear about your situation, I think most of us reach that point of questioning our motivations in life eventually. I would love for you not to quit, as I find you to be one the best nsfw artists I've ever come across, but I also believe you should do what you feel is best for yourself. I hope for your success in whatever you decide you'd like to do going forward, artistically or otherwise. If there was ever any sort of final request I'd like to make, it'd definitely have to be drawing Lillie and Ash in the same multi-pose style you did with the other main girls. Regardless, I'm wishing for all the best.


I mean it's fine if you don't feel like running patreon, but you're planing to totally quit as an artist ? ;(


Also reconsider Pixiv Fanbox. It's still more tolerant to content posted there compared to Patreon.


In my opinion, maybe you should take a trip. Somewhere by near the ocean, maybe. You can and had made the most gorgeous R18 artifacts ever.


I haven't seen a picture that you've done that wasn't top notch. It's truly unfortunate that you're having artist block, but I can't help but agree with you that the big social media and crowdfunding outlets have become frighteningly censorious. If I was in your position (i.e. having talent and a fanbase for this kind of art), whatever drive I'd have would also be sapped just from how bleak the situation is with being able to convert this hobby into a steady source of income. I disagree that you've "been troubling" us, in my opinion you haven't. You've provided the Internet with more great work than many artists out there and I'm glad I was able to pay you back a little. As for requests, I'll request Kyoko Kirigiri from Danganronpa again unless that is one of the requests that has contributed to your artist's block. As for Fire Emblem, I'd like to request Sigrun from Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.


Sad to hear a great artist go, always thought you were one of the best in the uhh rule34 business or whatever you wanna call it. But if you feel like it will help you to get through your personal stuff it's the right thing to do. Hopefully we will one day see you make a glorious return. If you still feel like drawing from time to time, there are also other options where we can still support you like like Gumroad or Pixiv. Anyways, hope you'll get better soon and we'll see you return some day. As for any requests I'd like to see, maybe Mythra from Xenoblade 2 or Nitocris from the Fate series.


So just a thought but maybe just use Patreon to let people know your posting or hold polls and stuff then post all your works on rule34 like before. I'm sure no one would care if supporters weren't getting any exclusive content. or again maybe try pixiv fanbox or subscribestar (not sure if thats what its called) accounts instead. But if this really is it then would like to suggest Aqua from Kingdom Hearts again

Synth Mint

Personally, I'm glad to have seen you return after a long while of not being active at all. To see you go is saddening, but if it feels to be right, then its fine. Art block is normal, maddening, but normal. I've seen multiple artists who've shifted away from either r18 works or art in general, simply because they just didn't feel satisfied with their work. And its fine to worry about your art, its something you care about and should take pride in, and feeling its insufficient isn't something pleasant. Just know you aren't alone in such situations, to be in a long endless line of sketch after sketch without ever feeling its good enough or right. If you feel that its not going to ever change, then its alright to decide to shelve it, perhaps come back to it far down the line. Its a decision to pursue things that may bring enjoyment, if art isn't. Perchance you do decide to pick up where you left off, I'm sure even then there will be people who will be welcoming, supportive, and appreciative of your work. If this is the last hurrah- then Edelgard from FE3H, or Mythra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2.


I probably won't be able to say more than what every said, I feel like I'm a bit late because sadly I left that patreon just before you sent those posts...


I discovered NSFW pretty much with you, because of how popular your Pokemon art were (and still are, you just have to sort pics by popularity on websites like gelbooru and the first results are always pics from you), and since then you've been a big inspiration to me, and when you came back a while ago I finally decided that I will try to learn how to draw. It's still baby steps right now but I really hope someday I'll be able to show you what I'm capable of, thanks to the inspiration you gave to me :) It might be weird considering you're drawing porn but eh, sex is a beautiful thing after all! (though I don't get the point of stuff like rape of NTR but that's totally beside the point)


Thank you for the update. I want you to do what you think is best for your mental health and I will not stop supporting you.


Greetings! It's kinda sad to see you dropping art, but your mental health (and health in general) is the most important thing. It's true, most people in real life won't be able to tell. Some just won't recognize it, but unfortunately there's still lots of people who simply do not believe in mental illnesses. Nobody can tell you how good or not so good you perceive your own art. If you don't like the outcome for whatever reason, that reason is legit! However, I think we can all agree with what we think about your art, and in my eyes, it is phenomenal! Of course, there are artists out there who seem to draw masterpiece after masterpiece. But it's not fair to compare yourself only to the best out there. If everyone did that, there wouldn't be anymore artists around, be it drawings, music or whatever. Everybody has their place and gets better over time. Still, as it stands, you have to take care of yourself and if art blocks won't stop and drawing does not give you happiness anymore, I think it's safe to say you should put it on hiatus, for as long as you need. Maybe you'll be back at some point, maybe not. It's totally up to you. I sincerely hope that you can manage to find help and get better as soon as possible! <3 But, if you decide to make a comeback at some point, I'd recommend SubscribeStar(.adult) or Pixiv FanBox. At this point, they seem to be safe places for artists. I wish you all the best. Hope you'll stay healthy and find happiness! --- Ah, almost forgot. For the request, I'd like to see Leonie from Fire Emblem Three Houses. :)


Man, you were one of my favorite hentai artists ever since I got into it. Your works never dropped in quality throughout the years and if I'm being honest, I feel you still might have some left in the tank. But it's your decision to leave and I respect it. I wish luck in whatever you pursue and thank you very much for all the great art. For requests, the FE character I'd like to see you draw is Hapi from Three Houses, & for a video game character I'd like either Yuzu from Devil Survivor or Isabeau from Shin Megami Tensei IV.

Sergio Barajas

This is so sad. I really love your art, honestly. But it can’t be helped if you don’t see future in it. All we can do is understand your decision and wait for you to change your mind, and of course support you when this happens.

Sergio Barajas

I wasn't going to say any request, but maybe this can encourage you with new ideas to change your decision to stop. First from videogames i'd like to see Zelda from Zelda breath of the wild, Zelda and Hilda (a threesome would be perfect) from the legend of Zelda a link between worlds, Jessica Albert from Dragon Quest 8, Maam, Leona and Merle from Dragon Quest Dai no Daibouken, April O'Neal from Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles (yes i like old stuff), Fiona Belly from Demento, Sypha Belnades from Netflix's Castlevania, Ashley Graham and Ada Wong from Resident Evil 4, Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil 5. But i'd like to suggest some girls from anime as well. Psykos, Fubiki and Tatsumaki from One Punch Man (maybe a threesome hehe). Yamato and Hiyori from One Piece, Zelda from the legend of Zelda a breath from the wild, Cremia and Anju from The legend of Zelda Majora´s mask. Sorry if i've said so many girls but i just want to give as many options as possible, maybe you might find some interesting options to let your creativity flow again so you feel comfortable with your own work again.


Sad to hear. You're one of my favorite artists, but you gotta do what's best for you. I'll keep hope alive that you'll post again someday, but for now, take care and thanks for all the great art. Since it's the last chance, I'll lay it all out there and hope something gets picked. For fire emblem: Tana, Mia, Maribelle, Tharja and Noire, Clarisse, Elise, Hana, Severa, Lena, Katarina, or Morgan. For any video game: Reisalin Stout from atelier Ryza, Ami Aiba or Nokia Shiramine from digimon story cyber sleuth, Jack-O from guilty gear, Velvet Crowe Sheena Fujibayashi or Anise Tatlin all from the tales of series (Berseria, Symphonia and Abyss respectively), Sophitia or Amy from Soulcalibur, or Juri Han from Street fighter. I don't expect any of them but whatever. More importantly, take care of yourself, hope everything works out for you, and thank you for all the art you gave us.


request:Noire from Hyperdimension Neptunia


Thank you very much for this update! I was getting kind of worried again, but I'm happy to hear you're doing okay by the most part. Artblock, depression and all that are difficult topics, but please don't just take them in yourself, but talk about them with people you trust. You shouldn't carry the burden on your own. In that sense, it's helpful for you to speak out like here. I'm looking forward to anything you still have in store for us before you leave. While it saddens me that you will be leaving for good, I'm also relieved to know you're doing somewhat fine and can find the resolve to make a change. Don't feel bad about it! Even with you not being (as) active anymore, there will still be plenty of people like me who will cherish your past work. You're still one of my favorite artists ever! Maybe, after all is said and done, you could create a pixiv account where you update every once in a while when you just feel like drawing something. Not being able to keep up with a monthly Patreon schedule or not having the energy to draw lots, doesn't mean you have to quit drawing alltogether. Just establish it as something you do gladly and that is comforting to you. That would be the most healthy approach, I think! I'm excited for the remaining illustrations and hope we will see you somewhere down the road in a much happier space and time. Much love. ♥ :)


The nsfw. It has gone viral and now feminists, progressives, society, video game companies, animation directors and copyright are forbidding, denouncing that they do not draw their characters having sex, violence or offensive things. Many have even been found by artists who work in franchises too xD. The worst thing is social pressure because ah many made them viral. for accusations of pedophilia, machismo, racism, xenophobia, misogyny, sexualization and exposing that content to minors on social networks and twitter. even in trend and to culminate they look for all your information and upload it still thread. Are dark times