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You guys are awesome...

I really didn't expect to reach the first milestone this soon.  Obviously this gives me a ton of motivation to keep drawing and improving, and hoping that you would like my future works. As promised, I'll do everything I can to make a minimum of one completed piece per week, maybe 2 if I find time between my job and this. As I said before, sadly I still need go to work to pay my bills, so that's as much as I can offer for now. Maybe in the future and if I reach the other milestones,  I could really speed up my working proccess by focusing entirely to it.

Thanks to everyone who congratulated me for this, know that I read every message sent to me.

Also, about the leaked pictures, I think I will do like most artists here do and send the pack of finished pictures every month AFTER the pledges are processed, and just keep posting previews of the images done throughout the month . I really didn't want to, since it kind of feel to me you're paying for the pack rather than giving a donation, tip, etc, and  the fact that having to wait a month for new pictures could discourage some people...  but it's also a kind of a lock, since anyone can cancel their pledge anytime after they make the images public...  and that wouldn't be fair for the other patrons.

 Suggestions, thoughts, overall feedback is welcome.



Very nice


Congrats on the first milestone. You'll get to 1500 per month in no time as your works keep drawing more attention. It is good to see that you can make a living out of what you love and are talented at. Keep up the good work.


Congrats on the first milestone. We'll get to that lofty 1.5k. Sucks about the picture leaks, but the way you're going about this makes sense.


Congratulations. Yeah, it sucks that people will set up a pledge just to get access to exclusive posts and then cancel them again, so if sending monthly packs of pictures is what it'll take to avoid that, I guess that's how it'll have to be.


Congratulations on first milestone ! Out of curiosity : is your job somehow related with your hobby here ?


Congratulations! Road to 100 patrons! I I'll still do a campaign for get more supporters for you!


I actually found out about your Patreon because of the leaks, so it wasn't all bad. ;) Having seen quite a bit of hentai in my time on the internet, I can say that your art holds up among the best. I have no doubt that you'll reach all of your goals and then some.


Congratulations one the milestone man!


Also i wouldn't mind having 3-4 pics a month with some previews during the month, i think that would be the best decision.

Sergio Barajas

There is some way to prevent your pictures published, i could say examples like Sakimichan who publishes her work and upload some of her pictures on deviantart.com . I wouldn't mind having to wait the whole month for the pictures if there is no other option, but you could ask for what sakimichan is doing, either with the technical service of patreon or directly to her (i guess she won't have any problem with asking her).


I've seen a bunch of artists do it that way. I think it's fine that way. And it helps you keep people honest with their pledges. And congrats again on the milestone!


You could try to release the images here a week before, as opposed to a month. Maybe send your patrons an exclusive pic once a month too, one you don't post? Sorry man, these things are just the negatives that come with the positives. :(


But profiles like that are usually shut down by deviantart...


I'd like to add my congratulations! I'm happy your patreon is flourishing! As for the leaked pictures, I think the solution to post final pictures after the monthly charge is a sound idea.