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Sorry for  delivering so late, I know I should keep contact more often but sometime issues happen with personal life and regular job that divert my attention off of this project, and I know it's not fair for you the Patrons. 

I  need to make an announcement regarding my artwork and more importantly my schedule, since it seems each new work is taking me more time to finish than before. I think I'm in the middle of an artist block, since personally I don't feel very happy with my current artwork, and of course it affects the quality of the pics. 

I asked for Fire Emblem characters suggestions because I thought drawing other things aside from Pokegirls would help me find and learn new things, but I'm not sure anymore.  Ultimately people know me because of my Pokemon fanart, and I understand the reason many people support this Patreon is because they would expect me to continue drawing Pokemon fanart. The last post I made it was clear that not many people would want me to change styles or topics to draw , and I totally understand that, it's the reason people are donatin their hard earned money to a random guy drawing porn on the internet : p

 But, it's also kind of hard for me , because while I think I will never stop drawing Pokemon fanart, I sometimes  want to try new styles and things too. It doesn't help that in general, my interest in Pokemon has been waning since the last couple of years. More so for the direction the series (both the anime and games) has taken. People might be surprised to hear this but S/M are my least favorite Pokemon games. Well focus on the girls!! one might say, and  I would agree, but even then I find little inspiration as I once did, since the whole games/anime experience was a big part of why I wanted to draw these characters in the first place. And the results show in my artwork.

Don't worry, I won't stop working on the current "projects" I have going: 

The Gym Leaders. 

The Ash/Serena/Miette doujin 

and the regular pics.

But sometimes it is hard for me to focus on a project because of the reasons above and I want you people to know. 

So if you feel I'm working too slow, or that my interests doesn't match yours or that this project isn't worth, you have every right to stop donating. I want to be transparent with that, so I wrote all the above. I will really try to get things done faster without compromising my quality, and keep people expecting good things from this Patreon but ultimately people should decide if it's worth waiting for that.

Well, with that said, I'd like to see what you think about this. Also there are other 2 pics I'm working on,  (I will consider them May rewards), that are almost finished. I think they will be ready in the next couple of days so I can start with the polls again. All while working on the doujin. : p

Thank you

EDIT: I forgot to mention about the 2 pics, one features Dawn and the other Accerola.




I am a patron because I Iove your artstyle so much. Keep it up since I will likely stay a patron forever.


Hope you get through this block. And please continue doing more aside from Pokemon, one of the main reasons i donated was to see beloved waifus from other series in YOUR magnificent art style. So please continue doing more stuff other than pokemon (although i love pokemon and your drawings of the series as well)


Ive got a few requests not pokemon related so i just wanna know how to initiate that

Sergio Barajas

As for myself you can draw whatever you want, i'm ok with the artwork you have been sharing with us and the doujin is something i'm really looking for, thanks for being honest with us and well, although this is like another job i don't think that you have to push yourself too hard, in the long run you could even have health problems, just do what you can at your own rhythm i prefer quality over quantity, someone said before that he was supporting an artist that make 2 pics per month (the artist i guess is sabu), it shurely takes much more time drawing porn than normal fan art, we should be aware of that as well.


Great pic an no worries of delivery dates, these works are always a treat when they come out. As for the Pokemon interest that fair but as you said focus on the girls and its all good ^_^. As for patreon, while you may consider yourself a regular guy we're always happy so see your work. Also on other series getting some attention is fine as well since the other series you've drawn are great as well :D


Not really a fan of how Pokemon is going nowadays, especially Gen 7. Maybe just focus on the older generations for now if that helps and you want to still work on Pokemon stuff. Btw, cute Lilina and she looks nice with the style you use for Pokemon girls!


While the Pokegirls are nice, I support because I like your art style. Draw whatever you want, and I'm pretty sure I'll like it regardless of who or what the source is.


I'll also be supporting you regardless of the chosen subject matter: your style works with a great deal of series, and I'm eager to see your take on all kinds of lovely ladies! Don't feel bad about moving away from elusively being a Pokemon artist, I wholeheartedly support you growing as an artist! That said, I think if you keep a steady stream of it for those who are only here for that stuff, everyone will be happy! Between the doujin, Gym Leader project, and now girls from other series, I'm looking forward to anything and everything your talented hands create!


Yeah Gen 7s anime definitely turned me off somewhat to Pokémon. The new animation style was part of it but Its just so much more childish now. I know they had some of that in previous gens but they really cranked it up here.


and hey again could you check your PMs if you get a chance? thanks :)


really? i actually liked the idea of making some pictures of fire emblem. were there really that many people who disliked the idea of you trying other things?


Don't worry on how long it takes for you to draw. Quality over quantity. Also I'm sure people would like to see you draw in different styles as long as it's a style you came up with. If it's an art style influenced by someone else thats fine too, but in your own way. Others must have assumed you were trying to draw in someone else's style. That sakimichan guy or whatever. I mean that's what I thought from the last post you did. Also I hope you continue to draw FE characters.


Dude, once again you’re being too hard on yourself. We don’t mind how long you take with the pics. Good stuff cannot be rushed and we all have our own lives to take care of. You already let us know that you have a job and other personal matters to attend. If you think your art is not improving or if you are having an artist block then it is fine. I am an amateur artist myself, and while my art doesn’t compare to yours, I understand the feeling. Nobody here has ever complained about anything so just take it easy and do whatever art you want. This is your page after all :)


No pressure on the delivering time, just keep us inform on your progress. I don't mind you drawing other series and improving your art style, it is always better to have higher quality pics. Also a suggestion, maybe you can try draw some Kancolle characters? Would love to see some kancolle artwork.

Matt L

Will always be happy with anything you draw , as long as you are happy with what you create and have fun with it, that’s the most important thing over everything! Seeing you improve and draw new things is exciting, it’ll be so wonderful to see how you interpret and draw new stuff, as well as seeing how it improves pokegirls and other things you’ve been so wonderful at already drawing. Azur Lane , Kancolle , Fate and all kinds of things are all wonderful to see you do as you suggested options! But again, it will just be great to see anything, the timeframe is worth the wait - and not even a problem... as long as you are comfortable and happy, I’m (and probably everyone here) happy ❤️ Don’t be so hard on yourself, we appreciate you greatly and can’t thank you enough for what you do already, thank you for all you do and how you think of everyone supporting you!


As with a lot of people I'm sure, I support you because I took in an interest in your art style, and I reckon you should do whatever makes you happy/proud. Personally I'm kinda glad that you decided to expand into Fire Emblem territory coz it's probably my favourite series, haha. But if you decide to expand even further or even simply return return back to just pokegirls I'll still support you because your work is really good. As for the time it takes - It's art. I can't expect you to rush a piece and not feel happy with the outcome, so take your time. I think as long as you're enjoying it, we as patrons will also enjoy your art :)


I spent most of a year donating money even though you weren't coming out with content. Why? Because I value your work and you as an artist. If you're not feeling pokemon, that's fine. Draw what makes you happy. Stuff like this has to come from a good place. If I only got one image of yours a month, I'd still be happy. Just looking at some of the comments already left here I note that a lot of people share this sentiment. I completely understand your lack on interest in this new generation of pokemon. I for one hate the artstyle of the anime and can't wait for us to move on.


I can understand why SM are your least favorites games since I didnt enjoy them a lot. It's true that 90% of why I support you is because I love your Pokemon works and wanted to see more but dont be too hard on yourself. Really happy that you plan to draw Acerola and Dawn. Peace ^^


Here we're hoping you continue to do your art, no matter which content. It's understandable that an artist also would like to do other kind of content, because anything repetitive turns out to be boring. That said, Lilina looks great on your artstyle, and you contributed to the lacking of images of her, so thank you for that! Please keep up doing whatever you feel like!


You still have my support and idk maybe it helps you to really start something new in your artstyle. Don't let yourself be hindered by what you always do, but instead try some totally different perspectives, shadings or whatever just to get out of this feeling you have. Maybe you do so already, but I wanted to bringt it up, maybe it helps you


Of course It's okay to improve your artistic skills and experiment with different styles, as long as you don't start copying someone else. If you feel like you want to draw something else than Pokémon then you should just do it, I don't mind and I'm sure many other don't as well. One thing I wish you could do more is give us update on your situation, whether it's your life or art.


Mister Terufuu, from my point of view I think the best you can do is one Pokemon art and another art of the same topic or not per month. I think you have to give priority to the Gym leaders project, because is the biggest task you have and maybe the one that the people are waiting the most.


Terufuu, we're not your customers or anything. I for one am donating, because I like the work you've put out throughout the years. If you need more time, that's fine. If you don't feel like drawing Pokémon characters, that's fine. Like you said, doing something you don't feel like affects your work. I once streamed some games on Twitch for about a year. And you could really tell when I was playing games I just didn't want to. It can taint a whole project. Don't let it get that far. I am sure there are other series you like a lot. You don't have to ask for our "permission" to draw something. This is your page. You do what you want and we support you. If it takes a lot of time, so be it. Many of us have jobs as well (or so I think) and a lot of them probably do not put a smile on our faces. Again, do what you want to do. If you have a blockade and just don't feel like going on for some time, then that's just how it is. You don't have to force yourself. I'm going to support you as long as I have the money. Cheers! :)


Hi Terufuu, I would like to say two things. First of all, I’m not donating as some sort of transaction, where I receive art for money. I think, as I believe many other patrons would agree, that I just want suppport you in a tangible way and possibly make your life easier with our combined donations. Second, don’t worry about your output quantity over time; we’re all here donating because we already know you’re a great artist. I know that a level of expectation can put a lot of pressure on an artist, but just remember you don’t need to feel pressured to show us works: we’re donating not to judge your work but so that we can enjoy it and show our support. I personally am very excited to see you branch out to FE, and hope you continue to do so. Exploring other facets of your art is by no means a weakness. Quite the opposite, you can use these other explorations to discover many things about your own art and enrich yourself.


Real life always takes priority, my man. Don't worry about feeling like you're late on putting art out there if you've got some problems IRL that are affecting you. I would hate to think at some point you would feel like you have to put out works rather then look after yourself and deal with any issues bothering you. Just take your time, I support you because I enjoy your works. If you want to change your style and topics, go ahead. That's up to you as an artist, and if you feel like you might improve as a result then I'm all for it. I agree with you about the direction about Pokemon though, S&M (I think anyway) are terrible compared to previous gens so I can understand how you feel. I'm glad you are drawing some FE characters though, and would love to see you expand a bit into other series but I will support you regardless because you do some really good art. It's nice you are opening up to your patreons like this. As you can see we're all very supportive of you so don't burn yourself out, and keep up the good work you do. The picture looks fantastic by the way!

João Gomes

lewds are lewds and I support all lewds equaly so don't worry and do whatever it makes you happier ;)


Sun and Moon actually made a good amount of core fans, me included, feel the same way so that's not surprising at all. USUM were the first main games I didn't buy. The latest addition with Let's Go, in my opinion, doesn't help matters. Gen 8 might be where I finally stop caring about Pokemon as a game series if it continues heading in this direction. I do mainly come here for Pokemon girls, won't lie, but I don't mind you drawing stuff from other series, especially when I'm a fan of lot of them myself (like Fate. I would love to see you draw Rin Tohsaka/Ishtar, Medb, Mash, or Rider). I think I'll continue to support as long as I'm able and at least get something every month. That said, this is great, and I'm definitely looking forward to those two pics!


I will absolutely continue to support you no matter what characters you draw. I know I was definitely not one of the people who suggested you only stick to Pokemon. Your Pokemon work was how I found out about you as an artist, but it's definitely not the only thing I think you should draw. If anything, I'd LOVE to see other characters and series, especially in your art style. I began donating for the style, not the Poke girls. You do an amazing job with them, but branch out, see what else you can do! I'd love to see you draw characters from other franchises (OW, Paladins, LoL) just to name a few. I feel whoever told you to stay just with Pokemon is very closed minded, and doing that limits you expression as an artist. It seems there are a lot of others who feel you should branch out, and would still support you regardless. I'm definitely one of those people. Heck, I still donated to you even when you were offline for a year, just in hopes that one day you'd come back with your wonderful artwork. You've been one of my staple Patreon donations ever since I saw you had started on here. Keep it up man! I can't wait to see what else you can do!


Give girls from other franchises love. I know you have wanted to do this for a while. <a href="https://img00.deviantart.net/d421/i/2017/215/9/8/yu_gi_oh__gx_tenjoin_asuka__render__by_raidengtx-dbhnifd.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://img00.deviantart.net/d421/i/2017/215/9/8/yu_gi_oh__gx_tenjoin_asuka__render__by_raidengtx-dbhnifd.png</a>


You should definitely branch out, as a huge Fire Emblem fan I'd definitely love to see more from you across the series, as well as anything else you feel like pursuing


it would be amazing if you draw nephenee