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Hello, AniAI is now AniGen AI and can be accessed in: https://anigen.ai

This update was done also with some cool additions! They have released a blog post about it here (https://anigen.ai/blog/anigen-ai-v1-released/) but I will summarize it quickly.

There is a Showcase feature where you can see artwork, learn about prompting, and even post your own artwork

 Click on an artwork to see details.


NO MORE Wait Times!


You won't see that ever again! You can log in generate artwork instantly! And generations will be faster too!

More Generation Updates!


There are some slight model updates to make the quality better and more refined.

I've also been asked to train a new model with some changes as well so there will be a model called AniGen V2 coming soon! And that's going to have lots of improvements over this model.

If you run into any issue you can contact the team at their new email: contact@anigen.ai


こんにちは、AniAIは現在AniGen AIになっており、: https://anigen.ai

このアップデートでは、いくつかのクールな追加機能も行われました。これについては、こちら (https://anigen.ai/blog/anigen-ai-v1-released/) でブログ投稿が公開されていますが、簡単に要約します。






もう二度とそのようなことは起こりません! ログインしてすぐにアートワークを生成できます! 生成も速くなります!




また、いくつかの変更を加えた新しいモデルのトレーニングも依頼されたため、AniGen V2 というモデルがまもなく登場します。このモデルには、このモデルよりも多くの改良が施されています。

問題が発生した場合は、新しいメールでチームに連絡してください。: contact@anigen.ai



Alza Himura

Can you make two characters on the same file, and is there a tutorial for this?


If you focus on upper bodies, closeup shots of the two characters you can. They will be releasing a tutorial for this soon