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Hey Guys!

Below is a comprehensive list (or patch notes, if you will) regarding several changes I am making to rewards to make it more possible for me to achieve, and more streamlined. Thank you for your continued patience and support. I worked all morning on this!

1. No more "personal" thank you messages upon pledging.

Let's be honest... they weren't personal anymore. With 3000 Patrons, and many more pledging and returning each month, there was no way I could make it personal. Heck, I was just copy/pasting info, and sometimes having J do it for me. This is a huge workload that is impossible to keep up with as my Patreon grows.

$150 and $200 will still get ACTUALLY personal thank yous. That workload I can handle, and that is a TON of fucking support!

2. No more talk of Periscope.

I know a lot of you were looking forward to the Periscope chat, but that app fucking sucks. I had to add every one of you one by one, which I did, but I missed people. It also doesn't have the privacy I wanted. It's just a shit app, and I can't commit to a timed schedule. Sorry about that. I was stressing over it, but it had to be done. Maybe down the line I can do a Patron-only Q&A video, or something. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

3. $1 tier is ONLY Fan Service now.

Ugh. This was fucking with me for so long. So many people being disrespectful about FSF, and many people here ONLY for that. My Patrons wanted me to do anything from upping the FSF price, removing it all together, to banning anyone who dislikes a particular FSF.

I want this site to be a chill place for supporters who are here because they love my content, whatever content that is, and I don't think FSF should be more money.

So many of my life update posts, and giveaways were given to the $1 tier. This means that while I didn't have time to post Early Access, I was posting life updates to EVERYONE. I believe the $3 and $10 pledgers who want to know more about my life deserve more content, and this is a way I can do that AND separate FSF-only people from those who genuinely wanna support and know more about my life.

Some Patreon users don't even reward people below, like, $5. I think this is a much better compromise, as I do appreciate my $1 supporters (the respectful ones) very much! <3

4. $3 tier now unlocks more stuff.

Here's the list of things that now unlock in the Early Access tier:

- Early access to certain YouTube content as soon as it's edited!

- Early Access to giveaways, and other content!

- Access to my Patreon Feed!

- Access to my private Discord server!


- Access to choice polls about content and my life!

(and access to contacting me via e-mail about issues, etc.)

Now it makes sense to call it the Early Access tier, because it's not just Early Access to my videos, but also to my life updates, and giveaways as well. I want you at $3+ to feel like it's actually a worthwhile tier.

5. $8 is gone, the social follows are part of the $10+ tier. $10 tier has occasional Patron-only journals as well.

Again, I felt like I wasn't producing enough content to make $10 and $8 different, or worth it. There's no reason to make it a different tier. I will also be doing journals alongside Patron-only vlogs. It can be a hassle to upload extra videos (because I can't do it while J or I are using the internet... it throttles our internet speed down to 0) so why not add more content like journals? I love writing, and I want the $10 tiers to feel like they're getting more content!

6. No more $15 tier limit.

I previously limited it to 60, and as much work as it is, it's just one day's worth. I can handle as many autographs as you guys want! I just need to start printing labels! :P

7. Limit on the $20 tier, and a password each month.

I will be adding a password to each month's message detailing where to send your selfies for Selfie Reviews. I've also put a cap on this tier, because clearly, it's far too hard for me to keep up with it uncapped. The password is to make sure the people sending the selfie for the month actually pledged for that month, and to organize which review is for which month.

8. New $25 tier. 

OK, so, I planned on deleting this tier all together. I simply (still) cannot keep up with the IG shout outs, and I don't like doing them. I feel like it clogs up my IG. I liked the idea, though, so instead of deleting it, I remade it. 

Once a month I will post ONE sexy thank you image with ALL of the people on this pledge tier's names in the comment/description of the image post. This allows me to up the limit on people who can pledge. It is now set to 50.

NOTE: If you were on this tier, you will have to go edit your pledge and choose that reward again. Sorry about that, it's because I deleted it and remade it.

9. $250 tier is now $200.

The $250 tier is now just everything, not everything and a bikini/clothing from my modeling career. It's also $200 instead of $250. I was having too many issues getting the bikinis out of the US (they kept being returned) and I was sad to part ways with some of my favorite outfits. So sorry about that...

10. Still working on back rewards.

Ugh. I am ashamed that it is taking this long to get the September and October rewards done. It's been a mess. From taking weeks off and stressing when I get back, to technical difficulties with the backend of Patreon. I know I am taking far too long, but IT WILL GET DONE, AND SOON! Thank you so much for your patience. Trust me, I am stressing about it more than you are. This is why change needs to happen, for my sanity, and your prompt rewards.


I know this might feel like a scaling back--and it is. Unfortunately, as the Patreon grows, there is less time for me to work on rewards. I would FAR rather be realistic with what I can accomplish, and I am always trying to upgrade and improve, than to promise something I can't deliver. I love you all so, so much, and I hope you understand. The content on my YouTube channels and Twitch comes first. This isn't about me making money, it's about continuing my channels because I have the passion to do so. It defeats the purpose if I spend all my time on here, just trying to make more money. This workload simply HAS to be sustainable. I've thought of hiring people, but that would cost more than I have, and defeat the purpose, as well, as it would no longer be personal. I would never do that to you guys.

I understand if you don't agree, and would like to unpledge. I appreciate everything you have done for me. You are amazing! :)

Thank you for your continued support, and helping me improve my content through ideas, monetary support, moral support, and just watching and smiling! If you have any other ideas, please let me know! I am open to constructive criticism and ideas!


Tara <3



Cole wilkins

i love supporting you andd it really sucks that the only thing i get to see now is fsf because im a 1$ pledge just because i can't afford much atm but i try and give where i can although i love fsf i love how open you are how sexy you are but i would still love to see life updates and stuff aswell but i understand that the haters are getting on here and i just wanna say i love and support you with anything you do tara .!

Cole wilkins

nah i dont feel gyped its what ever makes you happy Tara ! love supporting you either way and you'er content i wish i could help more but as of right now i dont have the money and im gonna have to become a patreon on and off becaus of my situwashion but i will support as long as possible love ya Tara keep being amazing <3