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[Vol. 1 pt. 22]

When I made it out to where Korova was, I saw her standing in place while looking around as she repeatedly dragged her foot backward against the ground. That was something beasts did, not normal people. It just went to show that she still had some of her bestial instincts even though she had a soul and became a transbeast.

But that wasn’t all I saw. On the ground next to her was that beast I was jealous of earlier—the one with four legs, a mane of hair, and a massive extra legswinging down by its rear legs. Only, its neck was torn to shreds and it wasn’t breathing. There was no way that something could have its neck ripped up that badly and survive.

Korova sighed and thrust her axe into the ground. “Tch. That’s the third time this month. Something ain’t right.”

While she talked, I found myself drawn to the killing blow inflicted on the beast. Its neck had three distinct cuts across it, and they weren’t small cuts, either.

My mind went to the first beast I fought in my new body. They had three sizeable claws on each of their hands and would have no problem shredding open the neck of a beast like this.

Then I felt it.


Even though I just consumed all of Korova’s milk, an even more intense hunger filled my body as I looked at the dead beast in front of me.

“This is when I wish we could attract some adventurers out to these parts. Don’t want to risk anybody goin’ into the woods to figure out what’s causing them to act up, but if they start attacking even more… we’re gonna have a problem,” Korova said. She was probably trying to explain the situation to me, but it was hard to focus on her words rather than the slain beast. “What a waste. Looks like they dragged one back for food and left this one behind. Maybe he tried defending the other.”

I managed to pull my eyes away for long enough to look around a bit more. The fence in front of Korova was broken with a wide trail of blood leading into the forest. Only a large beast would leave a trail that wide, so it must have been another one of beasts like the dead one on the ground.

“What’re you doing?”

I looked up at Korova wondering what she was talking about before realizing that my tentacles were running over the dead beast’s corpse.

The fact that I wasn’t sure if I could resist my hunger worried me. Every single time I was met with a corpse, and that one time with Korova’s fresh milk, I felt the urge to consume it.

What if somebody in the village died and I saw their body? Would I not be able to resist eating it? What if Lada or Korova died? Would I be overwhelmed by my hunger and devour their corpses?

I didn’t know.

But I did know that explaining things would be a good idea, so I hurried and scribbled a quick explanation onto my board for Korova to try and explain. The last thing I wanted was to confuse her and cause a misunderstanding.





Korova scratched the back of her head as she looked down at me. “Huh… ain’t never heard of anything like that before. But—well, I’m gonna be honest with ya. If ya want to try and eat him, it’d save me the trouble of having to figure out something to do with his body. But… are ya sure you could even do that? I know ya drank all my milk, but even so… this guy’s huge.”

I figured that a demonstration would prove better than an explanation for the next part, so I opened up my mouth and pulled the beast’s nearest hoofed foot into my body. Korova must have been extra curious since she leaned in close to get a better look at it instantly dissolving within me.

“Huh… that’s pretty handy. Well, alright. I’m gonna go look around to make sure there ain’t any more of those beasts lurking behind the trees. Gonna cleave ‘em in half if there are.” She picked her axe back up and leaned it against her shoulder. “Hold the place down for me and I’ll be back in a few. Alright?”




Korova squatted down and gave the top of my head tentacle a pat. “Good boy.”

Something about being called a good boy reminded me of when she gave me an order while I was milking her. And… that something was exciting.

That aside, Korova left to search behind the tree line and I returned my attention to the corpse in front of me.

There was no need to hold back now. I wanted to devour it and she approved of me doing so.

I started with the legs since they were the easiest to get into my stomach.

The head was the last part I ate. There were some annoying hairs left inside of me from when I was eating the beast, but that was easily dealt with by using some of my mouth tentacles to apply acid to whatever was left within me.

The only trace of the beast left was the puddle of blood on the ground that would be soaked into the dirt before long.

And that wasn’t all.

I felt something change within me.

Similar to when I grew my tentacle tail, I could tell that something was changing inside of my body… but I had no idea what. There was no visible difference when I looked around my body, and I couldn’t feel anything new when I felt around the parts I couldn’t see. Something was different, but I just couldn’t tell what.

Was it possible that there was some sort of change that didn’t alter my appearance? The beast looked pretty muscular. Maybe I grew stronger as a result?

I wrapped one tentacle around another just to squeeze and see if I could feel any difference.

There wasn’t one.

Strange. Something is new, but what? So far, my body has been changing based off of what I eat. Is there anything else to it? Hmm… wait. Before I grew a tail, I thought about how useful it would be to have one. I remember specifically wanting a tail after seeing that first beast’s. Then when it came to the one that attacked Lada, I recall wanting something similar to those hardened bulbs it used when fighting, and I grew one at the tip of my tail. Is there anything I wanted from Korova that would have made me want to drink her milk? More importantly, was there something I thought about wanting when I first saw this beast?

“Alright!” Korova shouted as she wiped some sweat from her brow.

She had rushed out of the barn without putting her shirt back on, so all she had on were her overalls which did nothing to hide her enormous breasts. They jiggled with every single one of her heavy steps and made me wish—or rather, it made me remember what I wished for when I saw the beast.

A hint of red colored Korova’s cheeks as she pointed at my tail. “He-hey… that uh… looks like…”

I brought my tail in front of me and discovered what changed about me.

The bulb at the tip of my tail spread open like a blooming flower to reveal something similar in shape to what the beast had hanging underneath his body—to his “fifth leg.” It was thick, squishy with a flattened tip that had a small hole in it, and it was covered in pulsating bumps.

The reason why I wasn’t able to see it before was because it was hidden inside of my tail. It was like a tentacle within a tentacle. A sword within a sheath.

In other words…

I grew a cock.

[Vol. 1 pt. 23]

I explained the situation to Korova in detail now that I could so with a clear head. Explaining things while feeling like I was starving was difficult. Explaining things with an erection was still a bit more difficult than explaining things without one, but I was excited to share my discovery which helped me focus.

“So… you were jealous of what he had, and eating him gave you it?” Korova asked as her tail flicked around in the air behind her. Also, while reading my explanations, she was already working on repairing her fence.

There was no rest for her. I respected that. While nobody would have judged her for taking a break to relax after what happened, she refused to give herself one and kept herself busy.

Though, I did hope that she took some days off every now and then. Then again… it seemed like she was the only one working on the farm. If that was the case, I doubted she ever got a day off since beasts and crops didn’t just stop needing care on some days.






“Huh. But ya said that it don’t work on something like food, right? Wait, ya drank up all my milk. Did ya want something from it? From me?” Korova asked. “Heh, ya don’t want to eat me now, do ya?”

I shook my body and raised my tentacles up in front of me to form an X.



“Don’t worry, was just makin’ a joke.”




“If ya could?”

I felt embarrassed all of a sudden. While talking about how I grew a cock by being jealous of a beast was no problem to me, there was something embarrassing about talking to the woman I wanted something from.






Korova blinked a few times before smiling and laughing. “I-is that so?! Well! Never thought I’d meet somebody who was jealous of me for something silly like that. Anyways… do you have it now?”


“Well, why don’t ya find out?”

I blinked at her a few times.


“Well, ain’t it obvious? Can’t ya… touch yourself until it comes out?”

My head tentacle stuck straight up as my new, phallic tentacle throbbed at the idea. I was probably blushing, too.

But even if it was embarrassing, she had a point.

There was an experiment to perform and I never shied away from science. I knew that much. So, I wrapped one of my arm tentacles around my phallic tentacle and stroked it back and forth just like how a man would normally jack off. Doing so felt incredibly natural to me even though I never did such a thing with tentacles before.

Maybe I was an expert masturbator in my past life.

After about thirty seconds of stroking myself, a watery, white substance leaking out from the tip. It was thicker than water, but it wasn’t even close to being as thick as Korova’s milk. Even so, since there was nothing else I could have possibly gained from drinking Korova’s milk, my new “sperm” had to be related to that.

But if that was the case… I wanted something akin to her milk to serve as my sperm.

If what I gained from consuming others was based off of what I wanted, then did that mean this liquid was just like sperm now? Or, because it was taken from Korova’s milk, was it just like milk instead?

The only way to figure that out without a proper laboratory was to try and impregnate a woman, but that was an experiment I had no intent of trying.


“Hey… what’d ya stop for?” Korova asked. “You’re a man and in heat at that. It’s not healthy to get like this and to do nothing about it.”

There I was, all focused on thinking about the science behind all of it… and then there was Korova, encouraging me to jack off until I wasn’t erect anymore.

“Well, go on then.” She locked her eyes on my newest tentacle. “Don’t worry, I don’t mind. You’re just a man doing what a man has to do.”

It was subtle, and she licked it away almost as soon as it appeared, but I could have sworn that I saw a bit of drool leak from the corner of her lips.

Regardless, I wrapped my tentacle back around my newest one and started stroking again. I couldn’t even bring myself to say anything—well, to write anything. Even if I wanted to, I had no idea what to write.

“There ya go. Good boy. Keep stroking it juuuuust like that. Make yourself feel real good. I can’t be the only one getting milked around these parts.”

Somehow, I ended up in a position where I had a cock, cum, and a woman with huge tits ordering me to jack off in front of her while she very blatantly watched. She even stopped the work on the fence she was doing to enjoy the show.

I would have gulped if I had a throat to gulp with.

“Come on… you can squeeze it harder than that, can’t ya?”

I squeezed harder, tightening my tentacle around my length as hard as I could.

“Mm… faster.”

Following her every instruction without hesitation, both me and my length were happy to go even faster.

“Ya know… I ain’t stupid.”

I had no idea what she was talking about.

But I did feel even better when she unclasped her overalls again to let her tits hang out in the open.

“I’ve seen you and all the other men, even if they don’t like me, stare at these.” Korova demonstrated what she was talking about by placing her hands underneath her breasts, holding them up and together in front of me. “Plus I saw that pink thing of yours pop out as soon as ya saw me come back.”

I nodded, not knowing how else to respond as I masturbated for her.

“If you’re a good boy who follows orders… maybe I’ll—”

I couldn’t help it.

Everything about the situation was too overwhelming. I felt like I was masturbating for the first time ever but with the experience of somebody who did it plenty of times before, meaning that my endurance was no match for my skill. Then there was the fact that an attractive woman was instructing me on what to do while showing me her tits.

It was too late to change direction, too.

I came while pointing my phallic tentacle directly at her tits.

Rope after rope of my seed, which revealed itself to be even thicker than what first leaked out, sprayed out from my tentacle to land on her breasts. Korova’s eyes widened as she let out a cute, surprised gasp from feeling me cum so much onto her.

But even though I felt like I shot out a pretty significant amount of cum, that was basically nothing to her tits. They were massive enough that it would take far, far more than that to properly paint them white.

So, the bad news was that I came after barely anything. I needed to work on my endurance.

But the good news… was that I officially confirmed I had a cock, that I could orgasm and release sperm, and that I could feel really good by doing so.

And then there was Korova doing a little experiment of her own as she ran a finger over my cum on her breast to bring it back up to her mouth and lick it off.

Her eyes widened even more upon tasting it. “Well, I’ll be… ya might not have gotten the thickness, but it sure tastes good. Pretty nice scent, too. I wouldn’t mind being covered in…” She looked down at me and saw my limp tentacle retracting back into my tail as—well, as my entire body felt limp at that point. I felt like I was melting from pleasure. “A-ah! Sorry! I—I got a bit too into that… are you alright? Poor thing, ya look all tuckered out!” Korova leaned forward to scoop me up in her arms, placing me on top of her breasts. “Ah, I really went and did it now. I already felt bad getting so bossy during the milking, and then I do something like this… I’m sorry. It’s just, when I look at ya, and after seeing that fine thing ya grew there… I’ve never been with a mate before. Feels like it’s something my body’s been longing for, and now that you’re here… ah, look at me rambling again. I’m sorry.”

There was something extremely nice about the woman who just ordered me to jack off as she watched now taking care of me and pampering me as she was.

That was something I could get addicted to.

But, as much as I enjoyed Korova, I couldn’t help but to think about doing lewd things with my latest tentacle involving Lada.

And when I thought about Lada…

I remembered that I was supposed to be running errands.

The excitement and pleasure I felt was quickly replaced with fear of how Granny would react to me probably being so late.

((Originally, I was actually thinking about making Korova a bit of a yandere. Not the stabby murder-y kind of yandere, but just... the super obsessive kind. I figured, "When's the last time anybody has seen a big tiddy yandere cowgirl?" But now I've ended up making her more of a gentle femdom cowgirl instead who feels conflicted about her dominant nature, which I think is also pretty great. Or rather, she's a bit dominant to our tiny protagonist here. Of course, this isn't to say that she won't potentially reveal a bit of an obsessive, gentle yandere side. Anyways, back to Lada next week! I still have two hentai illustrations with Lada that I need to reach.))


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