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It's kind of late in the day to be saying this, but Happy Easter! I hope that, by now, everybody has had a good holiday. For those of you who don't celebrate it or use it as an excuse to pig out on more food than usual, I hope that you had a nice day and week in general!

I said this at the top of the latest TQH post, but I didn't realize that last week was the week leading up to Easter which I always take off, so apologies for forgetting to make an actual announcement about it in last week's update post.

Anyways, if you care to, let me know how your Easter went in the comments! Have a fun time? Play any games? Spend some time with family? Eat anything particularly good? I want to hear about it!

For me, it was my turn doing the cooking this holiday (after spending an entire week playing RimWorld). My mum and I always take turns doing the cooking, so now she'll be doing Thanksgiving and then I'll do Christmas this year. I didn't really make anything that stood out too much, but I did try a new pie recipe.


That recipe actually turned out really good. I didn't notice that it was a no-bake pie, either. Well, no baking of the actual pie. You still have to bake the crust. Though, I used a store bought crust instead of making the recipe's crust since I'm too lazy to make a homemade crust.

I didn't expect the filling combination to be as good as it turned out to be. The cheese part of it that goes on the bottom would make an amazing base for all sorts of pies, so I'm curious about what else I can stack on top of that bottom layer now.

I've also realized that--well, first, I absolutely love strawberry lemonade. I also love strawberry pie. And lemon pie.

Yet I've never had a strawberry and lemon pie.

I now want to go on a quest to make the perfect "strawberry lemonade" pie. I'm kind of thinking something like a lemon meringue pie with some sort of strawberry layer on top of the lemon? Like you make the lemon part of the lemon meringue pie, but then put some sort of strawberry layer on top of that instead of, you know, meringue. Or make a strawberry meringue? I don't know. I definitely want to experiment with that, though.

I've already made a great strawberry lemonade mead, so now it's time to make a strawberry lemonade pie!

That being said, expect more chapters for everything like usual this week. I'll be right back to the writing of things tomorrow. There are a few other things I can think of talking about, like my realization in regard to literary writing and how LDQ is doing on Amazon, but I'll save those for the next weekly update while keeping this one light and holiday focused.

So! Thank you for sticking with me, I'll do my best to remember ahead of time when I'm supposed to take my next break so that I can properly give everybody a heads up, I hope that you've had a great week and holiday weekend, and please look forward to more chapters tomorrow!


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