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It feels good to do this on a Friday again so that I can justify posting that song.

Anyways, whew. I'll admit that I wasn't as productive as I wanted to be during the past two weeks. In my defense, though, I was a complete noob who had to build my computer all on my own. That legitimately was a 3 day deal. The first day was cleaning my room and making space for my new desk and then building said desk. I got started on the computer that night then went to sleep. The next day, I actually got started on putting everything together while being as careful as possible to not fuck anything up given that I put a lot of money into this build. That more or less went fine, but the process was extremely slow and I ended up taking a nap every few hours to get some energy back.

Then came the third day. The third day, everything was more or less put together and I just had to turn the thing on and hope that it would work. Well, it didn't. That was when I started having so many technical issues that it just temporarily broke me for a bit because I genuinely didn't think that I'd be able to fix it and get it working on my own. So after being depressed in bed with my dogs for a few hours, I tried again and just kept on researching the problem until I was able to find a solution that worked.

Now my computer is running and everything is fine. Of course, there's the problem of the 24bit connector not fitting all the way in on the mobo, but it goes in far enough to turn the damn thing on which is good enough for me.

Anyways, after those three days, I was just utterly drained and didn't really want to do anything. If I wasn't asleep, I was working on the computer. I thought that I would be able to get all of it done on that first night, but so much for that!

I'm never building a computer again. Next time, I'll just buy the parts, go to some local store, and throw my credit card onto the counter and say, "Put this together for me pls."

Okay. That being said, taking a week off from the main stories was pretty nice and left me feeling extra refreshed for them this week, so I feel like all the chapters this week were pretty good!

And now for memes 'nd things:




Weekly Worksheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hwNGfR9l0NFHwJvJdtqg2XsTyBx-to9T/view?usp=sharing

38 hours, 25,824 words. I'm fine with that considering all the computer drama there was. And since I plan on actually taking this weekend off for once since I already have everything done before it, I plan on working extra hard next week to make up for what I failed to do last week.

The True Endgame

This was a chapter that I struggled with, but I also had fun writing it and am really happy with how it turned out. Though, I have a bit of author's bias here. There was a pretty important thing that happened in this chapter that'll show up again a long time in the future from now. I know what it is, so it made me super happy to finally get to set it up. But for the rest of you, even though I'm teasing you about it right now, you're most likely going to forget I've ever said anything about this by the time that it's actually relevant. It's not really anything too major, either, if I'm being honest. Just something that, when it's brought up again, will hopefully cause a pretty big "oh shit" moment. The good kind of "oh shit" moment. The hype kind.

Ero Dungeon Online

I feel like this definitely had the weakest chapter of the week, but that was because I just wasn't really in the mood to write lewds but had to wrap up the whole dungeon scene. I'm really looking forward to writing the next chapter, though. For starters, we'll be getting a bit more of Damian's mum in it! And I'm looking forward to having her say the thing that I've had in my head all week.

Lazy Dragon Queen

And so, the date has finally begun. I don't know if it'll last one more chapter or two more chapters, but there's definitely more of it to come! And even though I feel like it already had a really strong start that might be able to follow up on, I'm confident that the next chapter is going to be even better than this one was!

The Queen's Hound

And now for me to feel blagh.

I won't beat around the bush. There's a problem. At this point, if I'm being 100% honest, it's more fun to think about TQH than to write it. Even though I'm happy with what I did write, I didn't have fun writing it. Part of me feels like I'm just really trying to force myself to write this not for me, but for everybody else. I feel like I owe it to people, especially after I said I was going to try and make a rebooted version that's even better than the original. I regret ever saying anything about a reboot idea instead of keeping it secret because now I've gotten people's hopes up and have a ton of people waiting on this, both patrons and free readers.

I love the characters, but I'm just not having fun with actually writing it at all. TTE, EDO, LDQ - all of these are stories that I am very much writing for myself. I love them and I still have fun with them every single week even if there are low weeks every now and then. But with TQH, there are just so many other series ideas I have in mind that I'm more interested in writing and know I would have fun with, but I feel like I'm being a piece of shit if I start any of those instead of continuing this.

I don't know. I want to love writing TQH again, but it's just not happening and it's not something I can force myself to enjoy. And if I continue writing it even though I'm not happy when doing so, I'm afraid it's just going to end up as a repeat of the original. I really hoped that it would be different this time. I was betting on it being like with EDO where I ended up having a ton of fun with the reboot and loved it far more straight off the bat, but that hasn't happened.

Sometimes I wish I could be like some authors who continue writing their stories even though they don't care about them just because it makes them money, but that's not who I am. As stupid as it sounds, I value my artistic integrity and I don't want to do something just because it's what makes me the most money.

I'm going to try writing more of it, but there are no promises. Maybe I'll get over how I feel and enjoy it again. Maybe I'll just indefinitely drop the whole thing after all. I honestly don't know. I'm sorry to the people who really love TQH and who want more of it, but I can't force myself to continue it if I can't start enjoying it again.

In Closing

Alright, enough of the boring stuff. Thank you once again for your continued support! It's a new month which means we're down some people, but that makes me appreciate those of you who stayed around all the more. Thank you again for making it possible for me to live out my goal of making a living off of writing. I promise that I'm going to continue trying my best to write stories that I can be proud of and that all of you will hopefully enjoy! Aside from the rocky situation with TQH, everything else is going amazingly and I'll hopefully have some pretty big news to share with you all by the next weekly update.

Again, thank you, and I hope that you enjoy your weekends! Please look forward to next week's chapters!


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