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Well, that was almost three weeks of being totally on time, but I was 30 minutes late with that TTE chapter.

This is why it's a bad idea - a very bad idea, to get into a debate over political things when it's the time to be working.

Weekly Memes 'nd stuff: 




Weekly Worksheet: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AuKgjHswgjRTloeo3zoIiq6lplY4W3iY

This new schedule is power. What would normally take me 35-40 hours only took me 19 hours this week. The downside, though, is that I feel like I haven't worked enough if I only wrote for 19 hours even though I typed up the same amount off words as per usual.

I wish I could always write this fast.

Maybe I need to add more stories to the schedule and give myself even more deadlines? Not only would it get me to write faster and more, but it would force me to stay on a consistent sleep schedule if I made certain stories due by certain times. :thonk:

The True Endgame

Regarding a certain development at the end of the latest chapter, part of me thought there might not have been enough stuff building up to it... but then the exact chapter I had to go post to free readers after I posted it was basically foreshadowing that this would happen. Though, I do wonder what will happen regarding Fenrir and his plans since he did have a date planned with Eva that was set up in the very same free chapter. His reaction should be entertaining, if I do say so myself.

Ero Dungeon Online

I don't really have anything to say other than that more lewds will be cumming up in the next chapter!

The Queen's Hound

Got a bit more backstory stuff for some of the characters, Zurie being a tease, a look into the daily lives of vampires and how they can abuse each other without repercussions since they can just heal through everything - good times. I have a feeling that this volume, or at least this part of it, might lose the interest of a lot of people who only really care about the LitRPG stuff, but people should know by now that I have a habit of starting off very LitRPG-heavy before slowing that down to focus more on the characters and world = P. Of course, the LitRPG-ness will be back and get some focus in the next chapter, too.

Lazy Dragon Queen

I think what I might end up doing with this series is not have sex in the "official" version of it. I might just keep all the sex scenes as Patreon-exclusive (meaning I'll have to write a normal chapter and the sex chapter, so twice the content in a week whenever that happens), but the free version of the story and the eventual self-published version of the story won't have those sex scenes. Sex scenes just feel... not really appropriate to have described in the "official" version. It's a very lighthearted story that does have some teasing and slightly lewd fanservice here and there, but it's just so extremely fluffy that I'd feel dirty adding sex scenes to the final version of it. I feel like it would take away from the story, or something. I don't know.

Either way, characters are still going to have sex, it just might not be detailed. If I decide to not detail it in the official chapters, that means you can expect a healthy amount of bonus, Patreon-exclusive sex chapters.

Because don't get me wrong, I want to write a lot of sex involving all the characters I have planned. Like, a lot of sex. So there will 100% be sex scenes for this series. They're probably just only going to be Patreon-exclusive since I feel like they would be inappropriate to actually be included in the chapters.

On another note, I'll probably do the same with the yuri harem since that's another series where romance and fluffiness is the main thing going on there rather than lewdness. And then include Patreon-only lewds.


To build off of what I was just talking about with LDQ... I can totally imagine CORE justifying writing sex scenes because of something like: one, sex is beautiful and deserves to be portrayed; two, sex is great and people should be less shamed about it; and three, to "teach" the reader on how to do it. Also to just show off.

In Closing

To lewd or not to lewd? That is the question. Well, really, the question is more like, "To officially include lewds or to only leave them as Patreon-exclusives?"

Thank you for reading once again, and I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!


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