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First off, Happy Easter! Though, it's kind of late now.

Anyways, The Volcanic Dungeon is officially ten chapters ahead for Patreon. A regular release schedule will resume this week for all stories! Also, I would like to extend a huge thanks to those of you who have been patiently waiting for my other stories. I promise that you will be getting your dose(s) this week!

Meme:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQCdIxdqLGM&app=desktop 

And these next three aren't really memes but still top tier:




Weekly Worksheet: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pOppAWTeccaogFtLZ39ha4aeuS20xR6s

49 hours, 32,652 words, and about 120 pages in total.


The Volcanic Dungeon

Not really anything to say for any of my other stories since I didn't write any of them this week, so all I have to talk about is this.

There's so much I'd love to talk about, but almost all of what I really, really want to say falls into spoiler territory for the $10 tier. I don't want to spoil anything for $5 and $1 readers. Anyways, I will say that I'm sure some people (especially on RR) are going to be upset about certain developments, but I'm personally very happy with how the volume is going. There are probably two or three more chapters before the first volume is over.

I originally planned it to end with this ninth chapter but ended up taking more time than I would with certain scenes, so I didn't get through everything that I want to get through yet with this volume. Better extra long than rushed!

Also, out of all of my main characters/narrators, I've got to say that this story definitely has my favorite one. I just love the narration style and the narrator so much.

My only regret is that I cannot narrate all of my stories in this style or else it would lose its charm.

Fortunately, there is Lazy Dragon Queen's style for me to keep working on. Volcano's style is basically just an extreme version of the style used in LDQ. LDQ's style can easily be used as a base for other stories.

Speaking of other stories...

If you've been one of my readers for at least a month or two, you should know by now that I am a filthy slut when it comes to writing more stories.

I already have three more stories that I want to write.

Two of them already have plans for 7+ volumes each.

One of them already has the first two volumes fully outlined and I never outline.


I will not be posting these as weekly-updating stories.

Some of you might have read about me wanting to write three more stories and then went, "Oh no, Ace is going to burn himself out." Then again... people also said that back when I wanted to write TTE and EDE at the same time. Then again when I wanted to write TQH at the same time. Then with LDQ. Then with Volcano.

Anyways, yes. Mental burnout would be a concern if I were to try and work even more stories into my weekly lineup. That is precisely why I will not be doing that.

Instead, they are stories that I am only going to work on in my free time when I really have the muse to write them, and not posting them means I won't get over-stressed from feeling like I need to keep posting updates for everybody. Therefore, they will not be posted until at least an entire volume for them is done and I have no idea when that will be. I might write 500 words for one of them a week, I might write 2k a month, or I might be really in the mood and write 10k over a weekend. Only time will tell. Maybe I'll drop them after a few weeks in which case that would be totally alright since nobody will have gotten invested in them anyways = P.

I am extremely excited about the ideas I have in mind, though. One of them is probably a bit beyond me right now since it'd be another "serious" story, but the other two ideas I have (also the ones I planned out) are all about the stuff that I write the best.

But, before I can think about those too much, I still have to get LDQ up to 40 chapters ahead so that I'll be able to post daily for the first 30 days of posting to RR.

In Closing

Alrighty. That's all for now. Happy Easter once again, thank you for being patient and reading, and I hope that you enjoy the chapters releasing this upcoming week!


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