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First off, sorry, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get Steel Glory and Lazy Dragon Queen up this week. My throat infection is going away, I think, but... now I'm being slammed by a sinus infection. I was taking care of my mum last week who got hit by a throat infection, sinus infection, and lung infection all at once. I thought I got lucky only catching the throat infection from her, but nope! Now a sinus infection is here, and I've only been getting about 2 hours of sleep at most the past couple of nights in addition to having a constant headache. However, if I do end up feeling better or like I'm able to type up a good chapter, then I'll go ahead and write them over the weekend. Oh, and I know you all have been telling me to just rest and take it easy, especially those of you have heard me in voice chat in Discord, but I still feel horrible not being able to get these chapters up >_>. So, take the apology whether you think I should be apologizing or not.

Moving on!

So, my three most popular stories got their updates for the week (the ones that everybody are here for), so what do you think of the weekly releases? So far, feedback has been nothing but positive, but I still want to do another poll and ask for opinions one last time before making any decisions.

Were the chapters more satisfying? Better/more consistent quality? Is waiting one week for a chapter like these worth it more than getting daily chapters 1/5 the size?

I personally really like the weekly schedule and do think that it's better in pretty much every single way aside from the wait. Not only is it less stressful and easier to write the chapters all in one go, even when I'm as sick as I have been this week, but I feel like the chapters progressed the plot more than they have been and were more enjoyable in general. There is one other important factor that makes me really like the weekly releases.

You see, when I'm doing daily chapters and having to jump between chapters, it takes me about 2 hours per 1k words. When I'm writing one big chapter for a day, it takes about 2 hours for the first 1k words and then 2-3 hours for the next 4k words. I'm able to get into the groove of things (unless I have to do a bunch of tables/math like with pupper this week) and finish more work in a shorter amount of time. This means that I'm only writing for about 4-6 hours a day instead of 8-10. This means... I finally have time to go and edit things for self-publishing. Not only that, but if I were feeling better this week, I would have been able to get TTE done on Wednesday and SG/LDQ done on Thursday. That means I would have Friday to do whatever else needs doing, such as editing. So, the chapters end up being better, I end up being less stressed, and I have more time which means I can finally start editing my stories for self-publishing them.

There are only two potential downsides that I can think of when it comes to weekly releases: one, patrons unpledging because they feel like they're getting less/slower content; and two, patrons unpledging because they don't like me dedicating days to other stories when they're not getting anything for the story that they care about. Not everybody here reads all of my stories, after all.

Anyways, that's all for now. Feel free to let me know your opinions in the comments! If anybody has any tips on how to get over these infections that don't require going to the doctor's, let me know! Right now I'm relying on chugging tea with lemon and honey, nyquil, and an inhaler.


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