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First off, since I know a whole bunch of you new patrons are coming for The Queen's Hound, this is the chapter that you want to start off with if you've just come over from RR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/re-wan-vol-1-pt-22665254

I'm also just now realizing that I never went back to change the names of the posts to The Queen's Hound. Whoops. Also, you can find all The Queen's Hound chapters under the "woof" tag.

Anyways, thanks for your support! I hope that you all continue enjoying what you read of The Queen's Hound, and you're more than welcome to check out my other stories if you feel like it while you're here.

Now then, I do owe readers of my other stories an apology for being a bit behind this week. I've just been focusing my effort onto The Queen's Hound since it's new and going to be hitting Trending on Royal Road soon, and a whole bunch of other things have needed working on which has slowed me down these past couple of weeks.

Then today, I was planning on waking up and getting to work on catching up only for my downstairs neighbor to be verbally abusing her little kid. Again. I can't even legally record what she says to him, but we're extremely close to calling CPS. Going to have a talk with the grandma living there as well next time I see her outside by herself. But yeah, being backed up on my birthday weekend and then trying to write while listening to a mother scream and swear at her 11 year old kid for hours... I don't think I'm going to be getting any writing done today. That really kind of killed my ability to write, especially since I was trying to write a romantic sex scene >_>.

Gotta love having new neighbors. But yeah, I'm not going to go into too many details, but I do plan on carefully reaching out and talking to the grandma before potentially calling CPS on the mom.

So, in light of all of that, I hope that you can forgive me for being behind on updates this week. I really am disappointed in myself for not being able to get the chapters out even though I've already met my goal of writing for 40 hours this week, but I don't think anything I write in my current mood is going to be any good.

Seriously, fuck anybody who verbally, mentally, or physically abuses their kids. Next time I hear it while it's that bad, I'm going out there myself. I already regret not going out there this time. 

I seriously need to move out to the middle of nowhere where my closest neighbor is a mile away.

Anyways, I don't want to turn this into a rant. Thank you for your support! To old patrons and new ones, you're the reasons why I'm still able to be doing what I'm doing. I wouldn't be able to still be writing full-time if it wasn't for your support, so I'm genuinely thankful for all of you. I have lots of plans for all of my stories, so you can expect updates for a long time. Not even TTE nor EDE are halfway close to being done.

Now then. This is kind of an open-ended question, but it's the holiday season and I want to make up for my recent poor scheduling. Is there anything that any of you want to see? Bonus content or stories? Specific lewd scenarios? Crossovers? Anything other than just "more?" No promises, and try not to request anything too crazy, but I would like to know of any special requests! I'm kind of thinking of doing a special mega-crossover of all my stories for Christmas - just a silly, non-canon bonus chapter. Is there any interest in that?

I'm going to try to go and enjoy the rest of my birthday weekend now. I'll still have everything open to check on all comments, and I'm always available in Discord, so you can reach me if you ever need to unless I'm sleeping.

I hope that you all have an enjoyable weekend, and more chapters will be out on Tuesday as planned!


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