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Here is the letterless version of the next page. It feels nice to get a fully-painted comic finished again after a string of three intermissions. I don't slack off on the intermissions, but they're definitely easier on me and give me time to breathe and do other things- in this case, hammer out one last stretch of gamedev animation. The art on this one came out nice and sharp so I'm pretty happy with it.

I think I've mentioned before, but when I write a page my process is to have a broad concept of what the page aims to achieve, then I thumbnail the action and the camera movement of a page to make sure it flows and has a good rhythm to it, then I ink and paint it, and then at the very end, I write the dialogue for it.  I know the idea of what I want the dialogue to say, but sitting down and fleshing it out is the very last step of my process.  One of the main reasons for this is because I like to try to keep the word bubbles from covering up too much of the characters themselves, so when I try to figure out what someone is saying I'll run through my internal thesaurus and pick out the specific wording that lets it fit in the space I want it to fit in without clipping overtop of the nice character art I spent all that time working on.

Anyways, I'm going to get on to that part of the process and get this page up ASAP.  I don't know if I'll have a -Friday- post this week on account of what time I have between now and then to create something meaningful, but I've pulled out some surprises in the past before, so we'll see.  Thank you, as always, for your patience with and support of my work.



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