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Hey folks! Hope ur doing better than me, I am extremely nauseated right now! No clue what's going on, but let me try and get this dump up and ready before a barf or something. Couple of points to make here so lemme hop to em.

No ANYC this year- Sad to say it, I won't be tabling this year at Anime NYC 😔 I'm absolutely crushed considering I worked my butt off trying to make a ton of illustrations worthy of making merch. I'll be on the floor walking Friday, but Friday only because tickets sold out in a heartbeat. Seems this year they were looking for either new talent or seasoned tablers. Folks like me in the middle got the short end. Now I kinda have to set my eyes on other cons because it seems ANYC is either getting harder to get into or they just don't need me. Maybe I'll have a better shot with more con experience under my belt.

Comic Grind- With no con to plan for, I'm gonna retreat to my lair and work on the various comics I've started but couldn't finish. That means the Murasaki stuff I've been talking about since early summer. September's content dump is gonna have to be exclusively comic stuff and I don't see myself balancing illustrations with the comics. This also means I'll be a bit delayed with the next dump as well, so sometime October 12th-15th? I'll try to have something available as early as possible.

COOOMMMMISSSIIONNSSSS- There it is. the c word. Comms will be opening the 22nd-24th. Would open comms this weekend but due to family staying over, my schedules been kinda fucky. The theme this batch is Gyaru, so give me your best ideas for a 20% discount!*  I will be taking no more that 15 commissions. Like Flammay of previous year, this will be a weekend event. You will have to fill out a commission form and sit for the stream to see your piece done. Pricing will be similar to general commission rates. More details will come in a dedicated post, but for now, have your idea ready and calendar marked.

*You can still commission other pieces, but said discount will not apply.

And that's all I can think up for now! Imma be real guys, I'm having a rough year lmao Lotsa random crap, lots of disappointment. But like I gotta keep truckin'. Thanks for all the support, you guys keep me going and I'm gonna keep working to give you guys the goods(however late they may be lol) Have a good one all, see you in spook month!


If you have pledged to me after the making of this post and did  not get the password in the greeting message, PM asap and I can have   it sent your way. All content is readily available in the Patreon's Discord Server under #content-update.
