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A lil weird seeing "December 2021" first thing for the new year huh? lol Greetings all! And Happy New Year!! I hope everyone here and a good time over the holidays. Lord knows my ass was swamped to hell and back lol Not gonna lie, almost hit burnout!! Probably am a little actually haha But I've been taking this first week of the new year relatively easy. Hoping this year I can get a lot of projects done, but I'll need a solid bod for that! So lots of rest and meditation while I can. As always, bullet time:

Major Changes to the Patreon Going Forward- 

  • Birthday Wishes will be moved to the $10 Tier-  Supply and demand strikes again! Especially with all the project work I have lined up, there's just not enough time to devote to as many Birthday Wishes as before. Some months are relatively easy, however other months, the work can really pile on and get in the way of overall workflow. The tier perk works exactly the way it did before: Clock in 3 months of time on the Patreon and you can redeem a sketch/simple color image on your birthday(one image per year) More details in my NEW key visual that will give all the information you need going forward lol
  • More $25 tier slots available- For the collectors in the house, now's your chance to up pledge if you want to nab those archives. In addition to this, for every month you stay subbed, you can get an additional 2 comics from the Gumroad library. 

Projects Projects Projects!!: I have SO much I wanna do this year and I'm gonna do my damned best to buckle down and get them ALL done. In the talks with different artists, so look forward to some familiar faces to join in on some of these! As far as projects like BOY and MMM go, they're on track to update, so you know what to expect in those. However projects like Purin's Pudding Palace is a bit different and that one is planned to be a SFW book compiling various artworks of Purin from the last 2 or so years. Lots of diff subject matters and lengths here, so look forward to the coming months.

POOOLL!!: Start the year right!! I haven't done some good fanart content in a while(last big thing being the Sleeping Beauties set for October) and I wanna try some different stuff!! At the making of this post, $5 and above patrons in the Patreon Discord can start submitting characters they'd like to see get added to the next Poll. Cutoff for submissions is 1/15/22, after which, the poll will go live here on the main website.

Lighthouse Awards 2021!- Okay I have to prep the event like a month out, because while I had more time this year, there's A LOT to do behind the scenes lol Happy to say this years LHA's went off without a hitch! Shout out to the mod squad for keeping tabs on things and helping out backstage. It was a huge help having some extra hands this year. Here's a rundown of all the Winners

  • Best New OC- Tadia(Tang)
  • Best Chat Emote- :raided:
  • Best Moderately Active User- Nimzy
  • Comic of the Year- Sleeping Beauties
  • Chat MVPs:
    -Personal Share: Wagyu
    -Lewd Share: Hamilton
    -Movie Night: WickedlyWild
    -Shitposting: Creeper Cats
    -Art Feedback General: Noah
    -The Grand Order: Itasian
    -Gacha Sphere: Aethelwulf
    -Final Fantasy XIV: Father Hill
    -Nintendo General: Hamilton 
  • Best New Artist- Anekoe 
  • Tribute: Hamilton
  • Goodest Boi- ChatPress1toF

2021 Master Dump inbound- There should be a full 2021 post on the way after this post, I'm just tired as hell and it's almost 3am lol That link will be available to all pledge tiers. New year, new content. So yeah, look forward to that.

That should be all the info for now. It's pretty late by the time of this post going up lol Here's this months link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2m1w5idr2kk7wtv/AABRUs-T3kmt5zqZVmGXB1-ia?dl=0

Here's to the new year!

If you have pledged to me after the making of this post and did not get  the password in the greeting message, PM asap and I can have it sent  your way. All content is readily available in the Patreon's Discord  Server under #content-update.




All the folders in the link are empty


Got my birthday sketches earlier. Thank you very much, Light! You drew her beautifully ^_^


Jesus Christ, I don't even know how or WHEN that happened but it's fixed now. Thank you for this comment!!