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Considering this Patreon is more or less geared towards comic work, I figured I'd give you guys an idea of the different kinds of comics I do and how much goes into each type. Lined up from easiest to hardest.

Ask Comics- Little doodles I do for tumblr, mostly when I get a really juicy ask that can build the universe or I just have a longing to draw something cute. Most times they end up being a lot longer than expected! Around 10+ drawings/panels. But this kind of comic is fairly easy to do in 1 sit down. Some good examples of this kind of comic would be Aoi Quest's finale and Rai's Revival.

Personal Comics- These are generally sfw comics that build the characters universes. sometimes they have a standard comic layout, other times I may play around and have it sequenced or collaged. They're super freehanded so I'm able to pump um out whenever I buckle down and say "Im doing this thing tonight" lol But starting's always hard! Because they're universe building, a lot of though goes into planning and there are several changes to drafts before the final posted comic. Depending on how far in the story I am, the art can range from quick scribbles to near-lineart stuff that's shaded. Some examples would be Gina's Little Story and Rumble Queens.

Ask the Ocs!- Not on this picture but I'd say it's the same level of work as Personal Comics, to do these comics for Patreon(If you guys participate that is lol) While it's a simple 4 panel comic, the content can vastly range from character to character and being full color adds a level of difficulty.

Comic Dumps- These are characters that get a 1 page collage of full colored smut that somewhat tells a story. A lot of work to do in one sit down, but a lot of fun! So they're generally 2 day projects. Examples would be my Hildazard dump and any of my Murasaki Theme dumps.

Patreon Tier Comics- Now this one is sorta misleading lol My Patreon is geared towards helping me pump out more comics than I usually do, so on that note every comic I draw(other than Ask comics and personal comics)  is Patreon powered lol What I mean by the title is, this is a quick comic to help promote the Patreon itself. I'm not the type that throws my Patreon in every picture link, so I do so on these rare comic related occasions(or if I draw a lotta fanart n' junk lol) BUT YEAH these are comic shorts(4-9 pages) that are by no means plot heavy, just full on smut and to the point. Full colors by the way! Sometimes I upload to tumblr page by page, sometimes I drop the whole set. Some examples would be Summer Spooning, and Flanny and Mr. Gummi

Doujins- Light tryna be all Japanian n' shit lol These are comics I tease before I even start drawing them lol I Usually throw up a cover for it saying "TBA" and over time drop the whole shit. It's a grayscale comic around usual doujin length(20-30 pages) and it has the fucking works. Official wordbubbles and text, industry canvas size for optional printing*, bonus pages at the end, may or may not have guest artists. These comics(If I binge draw) generally take a month or so to finish completely. Some examples of this type are my Hornety Hive Armada and Natasha in Otherland series. Oh and Ms. Magical Mare lol

GTLIR Comics- FULL COLORED DOUJINS. Not fun at all lmao 20-30 pages of full colored, subtle plot having SMUT.  These comics eat away at all my time really, and take forever to finish. The only two I've been crazy to do so far are Just Accept My Offering and Fitting Room. To be completely honest, they're supposed to be "Patreon Tier" comics, but the story gets so outta hand that they end up becoming full on smut lmao

*After working on Mareholic 4, any doujin at this point will be done in printable quality. Unless being used for actual overseas doujin work, they'll still be read left to right.



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