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Hey folks lol You can't see it, but I am going mad from lots of piled up work, and moving plans going horribly south haha I don't wanna talk your ear off but pretty much the contractor working on remodeling where I had planned to move into is is a fhucking conman, so my landlady has been getting the run around for weeks, which by proxy, gives me the run around. That said, I haven't been able to give my art my undivided attention because I've had to barter back and forth with both the contractor and my landlady about modeling/design ideas since she gave me free reign on that within her budget. Pretty much a monkey paw situation of: I get to have my shoebox of a pad custom made to my preferences, but I gotta go thru hell to get it lol ANYWAY, this is getting wordy, so time for the bullet points.

Tablet Situation Sorted! For Now!- Some folks in the Discord or on Picarto will know that I was having it ROUGH tablet wise for a good month or two back. I found a pretty weird fix to the situation(using an older model tablet pen??) and I'm back in the swing of things. This tablet issue made the first comic I drafted excruciatingly painful and that had added to reason for the delays. 

Hentai Classics Poll- This is a Poll I've been dying to make, and one that will be for the true degenerates of the Patreon. I know a lotta folks have some choice words for "modern" hentai animation, but I'm sure a lot of you have seen at least one of these nostalgic babes floating around your timeline. Full Names/Series/Descriptions will be in the fields, so if you don't know them right away, a quick Google search will fix that, or just go for whatever sounds best! As with previous polls, I will be drawing runner ups leading to the winner.

Mixed Medley Poll Later This Month!- For the Lack of Polls this year, I will be offering a mixed medley poll. Users at the $5+ tier and above will be able to suggest whatever they want in the #a-sweet-deal channel of the Discord, and the ones with the most upvotes(:lightpoints: emoji*) will be added to the final list.  This will cap at 10 options. NOTE: Winning nominees must be within my field of interest/artist dos, so if you want yours to win, play to what you know I'm good with. You are not going to ratio me with user votes lol You can start throwing suggestions into the channel on the 15th. 

*:Lightpoints2: works as well, however I'm only counting the most of 1 coin per post

Bikini's Bottom Now Available!- My April fools comic for this year! Man I can't tell you how many roadblocks this thing had lol The original April fools day comic was super fucking long, and it just was not happening in the time I had. By the time I scrapped it, I only had like 4-5 days to pump out a substitute. Fully did the comic in time BUT it felt wrong. Spongebob is a colorful show, it just looked wrong in black and white. So I went BACK and colored it from scratch. Mostly a collection of porny Spongebob shitposts, I think this is peak for an April Fools comic, it's just a shame it never made it in time. $5 and above patrons will have this bundled with the monthly password. Lower Tiers can pick it up on Gumroad some time next week. 

Hydrate! Kick'n Back the Horny [Sample] Available!- Felt bad that my last huge project was gay, then got followed up by something...gay lol So I decided to do a double dip for the shitpost comic department. HOWEVER I am only human, and cannot do 2 fully colored comics in so little time, so this one is only 50% done. Sandy's build in this is similar to the character I was gonna use in the original April Fools plan, so I feel this hits the same beats. This comic will also be bundled with the password for $5 and above tier patrons. 

Not gone lie, small Content Dump!- Like...an abysmal amount of content lol I was working on like 2 whole ass comics, so not a lot of space for artwork! I've kinda spoiled myself on making like 30+ full images a month that I forget that's more than a lot of folks to in a year.  There's some Rai art, some Gift Art/Fanart, and a fuckton of shitposts. As I type this out, I do wanna stream later, so whatever contents I get from that, will go towards this batch. 

May-d!- I wanna draw maids!! I wanna draw so much maids... I have some queued up here from the previous months, but I need just about all my girls(and some of the boys ;y) in maid outfits. I'm sad I couldn't do anything for mothers day this year, but it is what it is...

SO MUCH I WANNA DO! So much to do...so little time...I blame Mura....and life. I'm reeeally hoping I can clear my plate of a lot of these bigger obligations because I have things I DEF need time to do in mid July. May-June is looking like my last window of "freedom" til then. 

Anyways, I'm gonna tie this post up. Kiss your mom for me guys, hope you have a good evening. Dropbox link for this month is:


You can find the password in the PM coming to you at the moment of this post going live.

If  you have pledged to me after the making of this post and did not get  the password in the greeting message, PM asap and I can have it sent  your way. All content is readily available in the Patreon's  Discord Server under #content-update.



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