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HOLY SHIT, IT'S PAST THE MIDDLE OF THE MONTH! Said I'd be back from vacation around the 15th, that was a lie lmao I also lied again cuz I worked my ass off all damn """vacation"""! I've come to learn that I'm not happy unless I have a pen in my hand drawing. I have too much things on my mind I wanna do and have to get done. There is never any rest for 0Lightsource, that was just wishful thinking. Hope you guys are doing well tho! I hear a lot of folks have been getting a ton of snow so....good luck lmao Some personal stuff I wanna air out before I get into Patreon stuff so bear with me.

RIP my long time friend Ken- I know, REAL dark to start out lol A long time family friend of mine passed away last month. He was like a grandpappy to me so it really hit home to come to terms he's not gonna be around anymore. Gotta say, this is a different feel? I've been to a ton of funerals, but none have felt so personal. This was someone I would see almost every day. In his final years he suffered from several illnesses so overall, I'm just happy he doesn't have to feel pain anymore. I hope that he's in a better place right now.

Moving! Sorta!- With a new vacancy in my building available for cheapo rent, I'm gonna take advantage of that shit! This is NY, finding affordable living is impossible! The apartment is PRETTY small, but damnsure better than what I'm sharing right now lol I'll have full access to my own bathroom and kitchen but more importantly, I get space to put my ever growing collection of lewds. Currently the place is being remodeled since the previous owner didn't leave it in the best condition. I should be able to 100% move in maybe late March? That being said, there's a lot I need to buy in terms of home furnishings, so I MIGHT need to open a few(god I'm gonna say it...) I might have to open some emergency comms! This won't be super soon tho, I still have things I need to knock out during this month.

GODDAMN COWS- Man I just...can't stop drawing in cowprint...this shit is addicting!! What started as just Claudette, morphed into Clark and now I'm just in the bara pit. I have 4 more Clark focused pics I have wipped up, so expect those by the next content dump. I wanna draw some of the other OCs in cowprint as well! It's shaping up to be a full on cow year...

Poll Soon?- I was gonna do a poll for this month and have it be black/darkskinned focused like last year, but alas, we come to terms there's just not a lot of darkskinned characters out there lol MORE SPECIFICALLY, ones that line up with my interests. I know you guys would love to see me draw the 1,967th image of that one bunnygirl, or the new buff waifu everyone's goin feral for, but Lightsource goes for the underdogs lol The poll I do have in mind will be an...interesting...one lol One for TRUE degenerates. In place of a Black History Month poll, I'll be drawing a bunch of my favorite darkskinned guys and gals in the meantime.

Valentines 2021!- This year I decided to do my usual "date my oc" model, but this time, homed in on Murasaki in particular. This has been an idea I've had for a while now!! I just never had the time or chance to do it. With the redraw of Fitting Room last year, I've told myself I want to double down on Murasaki content this year. I really want to dig into his core universe and personalities. At the time of this post, the set is still going on and has 2 more scenes before completion. Full Set will be available here for download after it's all done up and posted. Next year I might do this same setup but with another oc. Rai? Purin? Claude? We'll have to wait and see lol

First 2021 Comic TBA- I know exactly what comic project I'm doing for this years first one, tho the question is if I can make it in time for mid March. I also have something planned for April Fools so there may be a bit of overlap in terms of releases. MIGHT have to release the March comic here only and advertise it after the April comic. It all hinges on when exactly I get the March comic done.

That should do it for notes for now! I got some Mura stuff I should get to right about now to make it in time to post it later tonight. Hey there all you new folks I got overnight! lmao Here's the link to last months content:


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If you have pledged to me after the making of this post and did not get  the password in the greeting message, PM asap and I can have it sent  your way. All content is readily available in the Patreon's Discord  Server under #content-update.



Earnest Adams III

Im sorry about your loss. I hope you're doing okay.


i haven’t figured out how to PM on the mobile app but slide me that password my good sir