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Last bits of Summer Art!- Doing one last crunch to get out as many swimsuit pics as I can before September. So far I've done the Zaffs, Carole, Orochi, Gina, Clark. Have the doggos, the Poke' sisters and a couple others wipped up so look forward to that in the passing days!

Possible Social Hiatus- Got a lotta comic work I wanna do this month, so you may see me dip out this month around the 15th. More info in the coming days for sure, but I just wanna give a heads up for now.

August Patreon Poll Soon- Not my usual kinda poll, a fairly small one and for a grander scheme of content rather than a small set. But before I can make this poll, I'm gonna need to do a bit more art of one of the polls options so you guys have a better scope of what to expect from it. 

Commissions Status Tentative- I usually open around the end of this month but how things are at this time, I have way to much on my plate to even consider opening comms right after wrapping up this last batch. This last batch has easily been the longest I've ever spent on a single batch and this was due to several conflicting variables. Safe to say I've had a couple burnouts doing this batch so I really don't wanna jeopardize my overall feelings towards art as a whole. After I free up some time and get some projects off my plate, I'll create a Back to School Commission's Sale alternative. Stay posted. 

Patreon Overhaul- I've been meaning to do this for a while now because if I don't, it's gonna kick me in the ass down the line. Gonna tweak my Patreon's rewards. Rest assured, a lot of the same features will still be available( birthday wishes, tier specific archives, comm sales) but there are some stuff that just has to go. May take a hit with traction on here going forward, but it's a necessary step in going forward. 

Discord Purge/Pruning!- It's that time of the year again. I'm going to be cleaning the server of lingering members. Quite a lot of folks just sittin' around in there taking up space.

That concludes any patch notes, now let me get this up n' running before my net dies again


 To go over again for the new folks, this is a collection of all the July draws for everyone who likes their content compiled in one location or just isn't in the Patreon Discord where you can get them the same day they're drawn. For security reasons, DM/PM(Private  Message) me here on Patreon, and I can give you the links password. If  you have  already done so in the previous months, no need to message me, I'll throw you the password in a bit. If you have any additional  questions  about this months dump or would like access to any of the previous  months content, feel free to ask.  




Can you message me the password